There are several posts about this and Devs are silent. I’ve made reddit posts, posts here, the story was featured in Dexerto, and I frequently spam trade to have warlocks report the bug in game. Keep making noise brothers. They can’t ignore us forever.
If this is true, I think the Infernal isn’t all that’s broken here. It’s my heart, also.
My heart, Blizzard. You’ve broken my heart. (and infernal)
This was one of the main reasons I went Warlock this time. If I’m going to be on the only RP-PvE server, then I dang well want to lean into the fanatic 'lock with a grudge on her shoulder and a heart of vengeance tied to the Lion’s Pride Inn.
It was supposed to be glorious! Don’t deny us this, Blizz!
Bump. Infernal isn’t working as intended. Please don’t lie to your players like that, Blizzard.