Hi everyone,
I am stuck on this quest “A Tale of Six Masters”, it requires me to go to Undercity to turn in the quest, however when I get to Undercity it is covered by green fog which kills me. How do I turn off the green fog? Sorry I am new to Horde.
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There should be a bronze dragon to take you back in time somewhere in the zone.
Is that bronze dragon in Trisfal Glades Somewhere?
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That is correct. https://www.wowhead.com/npc=141488/zidormi edit: if the npc isn’t there check wowhead comments.
So the NPC is gated by an additional quest line? Really Blizzard, c’mon.
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Apparently so, I wasn’t aware of it since I already did the quest in bfa.
Can’t even find where to start the Mission Statement quest, or if maybe I have already done it, I don’t know. This is very frustrating.