Warlock Felhunters are currently able to Devour Magic stealthed targets (with Buffs) from too far of a range (30+ yards), if you spam /petcast [target=arena1] Devour Magic hard enough, ie. mousewheeldown as keybind, you are able to get stealthed targets out from beyond stealth detection range in Arena. This macro may be the incorrect syntax but it is an arena1/2/3 macro for Devour Magic.
Can confirm, tested in wargame… really toxic and unfair gameplay
Here it is in action - not very nice.
I have max stealth trained and everything.
I also have max rank stealth trained.
More like 80%
This wasn’t on proper TBC!!
Is it not just rogues that come out of the gate out of stealth that it works on.
How pet’s can follow rogues if you /petattack.