Warlock Decimation Rune Acquisition Is Horrible

Blizzard please make this rune attainable without literal torture

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The most viable way to complete this is to form a warlock raid for burning steppes. Have everyone camp every spot and when someone gets a portal send imp in as tuner seems to be a 100% drop, than take it to Blasted Lands.
After the person with it tunes the portal, every warlock can send their imp in. If someone gets the tuner tuner, have them trade it to the person with the original tuner to empower to overcharged.
Go back to blasted lands and use the overcharged tuner on a portal, and once again every warlock can send their imp in, its a 100% chance with the overcharged tuner, There is no limit to how many warlocks can send their imps into a single portal from what I can tell.

Actually, done a warlock raid after made my post few days earlier.

We had 9 warlocks. After a rift was spotted, we sent all 9 in, and only 2 got the legion tuner.

Then we flew to blasted lands. First fel scar we sent in 8 imps, no one got the tuner tuner. Second fel scar, we sent in around 8 again (someone always missed the sent in). Again, no one got the tuner tuner.

Fed up, one player bought a tuner tuner off AH. Raid chipped in, and we all got the rune at the next fel scar.

From what I understand of this rune, it seems whoever put it in the game only has experience with the most toxic of Korean MMO design. Proc on proc on proc is so atrociously bad for the player, I can’t accept someone would have been ignorant to have put it in without understanding the repercussions.

These Developers HATE locks… Look at the fact that our Pets are the only ones in game that still spawn with 1/3 life…This was a bug that was fixed YEARS AGO in the original classic yet these Interns still don’t have a answer for it.

Or what about the fact that they keep breaking macros that helped us delete all these freaking soul shards a lot of us drown in now… I’m literally having to open bags during fights to delete shards that are over flowing out of my bags because all the macros and addons don’t work anymore.

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Bumping this thread in a desperate plea of making this rune attainable.

Current estimate is 50 hours of running around in circles looking for portals, then waiting 15 minutes for your imp to return from said portal if you do find one.


Just adding on to this as a frustrated warlock main. This fel portal system needs to change.

Imagine all other classes getting new cloak runes and you still don’t have one… I’m so glad they fixed acquiring the tank rune no one uses. I have seen 1 tank lock in a week and that guy wiped the raid several times…

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And this is the most important rune to an entire spec. The most viable one for PvE. I guess we’ll just keep getting total silent on it.

It’s not like we haven’t already been through this before. They fixed backdraft sort of, but then they just doubled down on the same mistake they made for P4 and decimation. It’s just astounding.

Warlocks don’t get to talk about runes after several classes had theirs gatekept behind warlock bs