Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

Will we have any new updates in 10.2.5 for locks?

Dev said we would get more options in future patch and after druid new options, I think could be a good time to do it :stuck_out_tongue:


the updates observed so far are 1. devs say alot on warlocks and 2. when they add to warlocks they take away more

i wish theyd go and work on a 5th spec for their golden child class or something and leave us alone tbh

yay, new demons for 10.2.5 hope we get greater diversity in this one xD


I will not rest until the list I made is fulfilled

Especially wicker pets


At the bottom of the article is says Tyrant and Darkglare customizations. I’m hoping it’s more than just those two, but that might be it. I’m fine with more, regardless what it is. Especially if the Darkglare customizations include a certain eyeball skin they took away from us :unamused:


I didn’t know you had race changed, you are looking lovely though. :heart: :heart: :heart:


Ye, and I’m thus hoping,


  • Doomguard
  • Doomlord
  • Fiends aka Terroguards etc
  • Inquisitor
  • more Manaari like our baseline Tyrant
  • N’raqi C’thraxxi
  • Devouerer Riftkeepers
  • Drust Witch


  • Observer
  • Inquisitor
  • N’raqi K’thir
  • Void Caller
  • Voidwraith
  • Beholder
  • Devouerer Riftkeepers

Thank you thank you :smiley:


The new hero talent could be a good option for this

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Yeah, hope we get more. At least Felguard needs something new


I’m deeply worried about the “Silhouette” argument

Which fine

So felhunter = dog, so add Chaos Hounds and Wickerdogs

Imp = small demon that shoots, so add Mo’arg and Wyrmtongues


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I made a new twitter thread regarding the “silhouettes”


It would be neat if the new hero talents unlocked a new grouping of minions you could use in the barbershop based on the hero talents.

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I wish I could summon a Fel-Fire Elemental or a Shadowflame Elemental on my Lock instead of a Voidwalker.

Additionally I wish we could get the Shadowflame Bolts from the season 2 Class Set / Channel Demonfire as a full on Glyph. Oh and Chaos Bolt needs a non green variant. I mean Warlocks use Shadowflame for pete’s sake. Why are these not options?

But most important for Affliction… Warlocks really need their own version of Misery that applies Agony, Siphon Life and Corruption when you cast Unstable Affliction. That or they should merge some of these DoTs. Priest is very streamlined in this regard.


I don’t play affliction but I feel for the peeps that miss their tentacled face single eye minion, how dare they just rip it away, I can’t stand it when they stuff around with the Felguard so can relate.


All the likes all the demons give me all the babies to hug please! :heart:

Wholeheartedly agreed! The void is not a demon, give it demonic options but keep the current options as grandfathered lore.


Just realized this ask on the shortlist was fulfilled :smiley: nice, time to cross it out!


Now if only they’d get around to my singular ask for Warlock customization: Incubus skins/recolors. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

We know for a fact he has at least one new recolor in the game files. We can see it during the Warlock quest in the “midnight DMF” area, at one of the kissing booths - it’s a white-skinned, blonde-haired model with black accents, and looks amazing. Plus, there’s been various fanart floating around Twitter to draw from - some of which includes a fel-Incubus design to match with the fel-Succubus.

I know he was only added to pretend they cared about inclusivity, in the end - but plenty of folks do greatly enjoy him, myself included, and we’d like more customization for him! At least as many recolors as Succubus has, if not more. I’m still kind of reeling that this latest customization pass would only include two demons we don’t often see out (not the way we do our actual companion ones, anyway), but not even throw Incubus fans a bone by giving us his midnight DMF skin.

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In the future I would just like to be able to transmog a weapon to my felguard with the warband system in mind.

Also as I posted in another thread I would like shivaara to be reclassified under the felguard family as there aren’t that many weapon wielding minions that can pull off the felstorm animation.


I would really like to have the option to turn my Imp into a Bilescourge.


WTB shadow succubus and fel succubus equivalent for incubus. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Also the ability to use the updated shivarra models instead of the older ones because compared to the other much more updated demon models they look overly outdated.