Felguard/Wrathguard already can use weapons from our backpack, and have since Cataclysm, via the Glyph of Felguard and the Legion Glyph of Wrathguard (when they made Wrathguard tied to a glyph rather than a talent)
Allowing the Shivarra to do so, or the other demons that would hold weapons, is nothing new.
Yeah on my main horde warlock (this guy) I have like 2 dozen weapons cuz I like how my Grimoire Felguard and my Wrathguard can use the weapons, so it looks cool. I usually get 2 weapons per expansion for them.
I don’t like the idea of an imp father, think if there a mother and a father then there’s only one way to make all those little imps.
That image haunts me
Would be fun to have her as interaction with the Talent that summon imp every XD sec. Like she always follow you and spawn Imp from time to time to fight with you. Instead of having them pop out of the neither
Ya if course this is a good idea they should let you do that and dks take undead any “pet” class should be able to take there pets. Hell even let shamans tame which elemental to use for tanking and dps.
Just make the game interesting and not so closed off
I just picture imps reproducing like angler fish. The male is TINY compared to the female. And the male basically latches onto the female. Fusing to them on a blood vessel level. The male gets a free easier existence from the females body while the female can use the male sorta like a teste in return.
If the males don’t find a female they die way sooner. Nature is bonkers.
Yeah, Demon Dreadlords are better, but I’m curious to see where this will go. Probably all Dreadlords will be wasted on a raid fight like The Nine in next raid, same for Denathrius XD
Wait. Weren’t they present with Gul’dan on The Broken Shore? Aren’t they summoned as demons, especially in that entire questline we did in Blasted Lands? Haven’t they been respawning in the Twisting Nether since Dreadlords were introduced? Are they saying that we’ve been misunderstanding Dreadlords this whole time, or is it just another example of the current writing team not knowing the existing lore?
It’s being suggested that Dreadlords infiltrated each cosmic force.
The Legion being among their most successful. Dreadlords apparently willingly took on the fel to the point of becoming actual demons to keep up their ruse.
It works fairly well with the lore if being a bit… Ridiculous at the same time.