Idk about a stable, as warlocks do not have the same kind of relationship with their demons as hunters do with their pets.
However, I would be a fan of some kind of glyph, grimoire or NPC that would allow us to choose what model and what color we wanted for our various demons
I would unironically play warlock if I had more demon options. I just was never a fan of the short supply available to players versus what exists in the game. I totally support all of this.
Bumping this thread cause so far is basically just pure neglect the Warlocks don´t get to use this perk.
I need your opinion about something I realized while observing the concept art of Belf Blood Mages… I´m not sure in which thread of yours I could bring the issue (maybe the one with the Horde council set up?)
Will reply here to bump this thread cause… why not?
Now, regarding my question: there´s this old official art concept for the Belf Blood Mages, more precisely this image:
At first glance everything seems quite ok, but then I took notice on the “jewel /mark” sitting in the middle of the forehead, more exactly between the eyebrows.
And is it just me, or was that tear shaped mark a Tilaka between the elf´s eyebrows? (and I call it a Tilaka cause it´s a male, were the model of the concept art female that would be a Bindi then). And then I remembered the shape of the Belf architecture and then I frankly started to ask myself if the race design was actually using Islamic Indian culture inspiration.
You are waaay more versed in irl culture than myself, so I kinda wanted to check with you.
Hehehe… I suppose they didn´t follow up because giving them Barbie portrayal was more in line with their mysoginistic ideals.
They do seem to keep these weird geometrical swirly pattern in everything (Eversong´s Runestones have it, the magic circle on Silvermoon´s mage portal instructor have it, etc.)
I´m kinda tempted to ask for Belf customization reflecting this Tilaka concept -works amazingly well with Belf lore-, but I worry it could be interpreted as “cultural appropiation”.