Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

I don’t care about multiple pets in the field. Take it away I don’t care. It doesn’t mean you get to point at it and say oh that makes it ok for warlocks to steal a hunter paradigm.

Actually, it’d still be something like 10% of your barn capacity. So, even by your own logic it’s not the same thing. It’d also be bound by in game Warlock themes.


So you admit it’s a thing in canon, you admit it’s simply not implemented in the game, but because you personally feel that representing the canon in-game would be stealing from you even though it would be cool for another class, you choose to be bitter and spam a thread?


Don’t you have better things to do?


I have literally wanted a stable for demons forever lol. I am totally on board with this


Improper use of this word. Particularly when at least one hunter spec is entirely pet optional. It can’t be paradigmatic for hunters if some hunters can completely ignore it.

Anyway; hunters “took” from warlocks. Turnabout is fair play.


Nobody cares if it is in a story somewhere. In game, playability wise it has been a hunter thing since the game came out. There is a huge difference in the two pet systems and it should be kept different.

Actually, it’s not just in a story somewhere. It’s actually in game. Demonhunters can have like 10 demons out at a time, and the demons have unique visuals. Again, you’re wrong. You’re just being salty about something that hasn’t even happened yet.


It being optional doesn’t somehow make it not a part of the class. And no, turnabout is not fair play. You want things evened out they can take away two pets at once. You are pointing at one wrong to justify another that makes the classes less interesting because you want a shiny.

When the game came out hunters had fewer pets than warlocks - both overall, and accessible at any point in time.

Now hunters have more pets and as many (sometimes more) accessible at any point in time.

They took a thing from warlocks and gave it to hunters.


Your summon pet is still like 2 seconds, your dismiss pet is instant. Your revive was only increased to 6 seconds.

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I am opposing something that makes classes less distinct.

The universe disagrees.


You can feed your pet, mend your pet without hurting yourself, can rename your pet, and your pets have self-heals, revive mechanics, and Lust abilities.

Warlocks can do none of the above.


As exemplified by the fact the announcement of OPs suggestion being put into the game. Oh wait…

Good. And they cannot tame anything they want, they are restricted to a few pets. And it should stay that way.

Man you’re just bitter lmao


Will you ragequit if it doesn’t?


You should have been waving that banner ten years ago. Besides, how is Warlocks having more demons not a Warlock thing? Especially when it’s been demonstrated in game, both with the player and enemy NPC?


I would be bitter if they made that change, but no at this point I am simply opposing something that will make the game worse.

You’re literally preemptively ree-ing with deep bitterness, a pillar of salt.