Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff


i mostly play my warlocks, and i honestly don’t want it done in this manner.

i want more, but i want it through knowledge of summoning. finding that knowledge in the world. like a glyph, but not a replacer like a glyph, just along side the others you can summon.

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Nope because that would allow Blizzard to selectively block certain models.

If the system is a general Demon/Aberration Stables system, they can’t limit us like they do with glyphs. It’s also much less work than a glyph per model that you learn and add in a grimoire since there’s over 70 models with 3 to 5 recolors for each model. That would be around 300 glyphs they’d need to add to the game.

Besides, lorewise given Legacy of the Masters and Jubeka’s Journal, she manually enslaved demons and aberrations herself and then studied them to develop the proper ritual for long distance summoning, so it works.


Not Warlock-specific, but remember, Allari traps multiple demons in a crystal, and she takes you in there to “speak” to them.

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A perfect solution to my first post’s problem of getting the demon to a ritual area to finalize the tame


Maybe some lore implications =/

lol edited the original post:

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My favorite demon isn’t demon? I’m confused now :joy:

After so many changes, i’m curious to know the initial leaders from the nether, because all the important demons/characters are from other forces.

Eredars were originallys demons, after retcon were corrupted by Sargeras.
Dreadlords aren’t original either, i guess???
Doomguard - old race corrupted by Sargeras, doomguard were originally tied to arcane
Sargeras - Titan :thinking:

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I maintain you could still be an “indigenous” demon without being from the “Plane of Chaos” but rather born in reality but we’ll see

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Good morning support #WarlockStables

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Full support for this :smiley:


Gimme my #WarlockStables

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  • at least an explanation for why 6 second summons were implemented, if not a reversion
  • G:Felguard down to 1.5 minute CD
  • Demonic Tyrant instant
  • Drain Soul Baseline, SB baked into Nightfall, Malefic Grasp as a talented ST soul shard spender
  • Roaring Blaze affecting RoF
  • Corruption being instant for all three specs and interacting with Demo and Destro in some capacity
  • Ritual of Doom killed (we only had that spell for 6 years), baseline Doomguard returned (we had a CD or perma-DG option for 8 years)


* #WarlockStables

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Bump, imagine this chunky boy as your Felguard Slot


Fully support.

Also, it would be amazing if Frost mages and Unholy DKs had a ‘lite’ version of whatever locks could get for their demons.

There are dozens of completely distinct Water/Ice Elementals in the game (color AND model), yet the 5-6 glyphs we have only SLIGHTLY change the hue of blue lol, sometimes it’s barely noticeable under certain lightning.

There are even more skeleton/ghouls/geists that DKs can pick for their pet, instead of relying on a couple of glyphs.

Imo all pet classes, major (hunter, locks) or minor (Frost Mages, UH DKs) should be able to pick their pet from taming or enslaving them out in the field.


My lock must have this.


I’m all for this, love pet classes!

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Bumping, hopefully one day a Dev will respond atleast acknowledging the demand!!

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I’d do… things just for a scrap of warlock customization at this point

More glyphs, more pets, ANYTHING

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