Warlock changes for TWW

Last week was the demo rework and to be honest, i love it. I think the positioning of umbral blaze and imp mother should switch, revert the dog core changes and then make tyrant give 5 shards baseline and im perfect.

This week destro got its turn and as the talent tree is by far an improvement from what we have i think it still needs some cooking.

First, Blizzard please just hit the home run ball change and put cataclysm in rain of fire’s spot (since its now forced for single target), delete pyrogenics and put rain of fire in its spot with inferno following rain of fire. Home run change plz.

Second, the capstone level of the tree having 5 points for dimensional rifts is really odd to me, i would like to see a combination of some, maybe taking those 5 talents down to 3.

Third, the 2 crit damage and chance nodes, devastation and ruin, are bland and boring especially in a capstone part of the tree. improved chaos bolt doesnt seem like a capstone level talent to me but more bolt damage is always welcomed.

Fourth, a lot of the 2-point nodes that were condensed to a 1-point node only got the value of the old one-point version. I would like to see maybe a middle ground value for these changes.

I look forward to the affliction changes you all will have as for the most part the changes from the past 2 weeks have been great, hoping to see the demo and cata/inferno changes the most in a future build!


I do not think it is that much of an improvement. Plenty of the now ‘1 talent’ options are just the single talent choices from before. They also spread everything out like crazy which is just perfect examples of piss poor planning and bad execution. I went from being very hopefull for destro to, what in the holy h*ll just happened.


And, cataclysm still shares a node with that bs for rain of fire.


Have we still Lost Netherportal? I don’t care about numbers or what Blizzard thinks… It was my everything…

Some and i mean a minimal some of the changes are okay.

In reality, they just gave you the lesser options of some of the nodes, moves a whole bunch of them around in a way that makes almost no sense, screwed us out of cataclysm, which A LOT of destro locks are pushing for and said, hey, look… we did something. love it or suck it.

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and… chaos incarnate is still in there as a nerf…

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How is Rain of fire not just a standard spell? What is the deal here? A lot of other classes have aoe spells without spending talent points just to get a single aoe spell. Cataclysm still sharing that same node is ludicrous. Everything that was good in the tree and was 2 points is now 1 point and is half as powerful because of it. Chaos incarnate was nerfed why?

Also in the class tree I see burning rush was nerfed. Maybe we can get our defensives back and be tanky again if that’s gonna be the case. Ret is like 12351235 times as tanky as warlock and so is dh, so are rogues, etc. Mages live better than warlocks and have an immunity.


Lets be honest here… Seed of Corruption, Implosion, and Rain of Fire should just be baseline for our specs. They’re part of the core AoE identity, and like how we get our core rotational ability (MR, Demonbolt (per the Alpha), and Chaos Bolt), it should just be considered default.

Its not like Destro can afford skipping Rain of Fire anymore anyway, it gates our access to Backdraft, which is huge (particularly for PvP).

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One day we shall see its return. And I can only anticipate it to be a glorious return

Hopefully. Surely these talent changes arent just a stroke of genius and is more of a finally solidified direction thatll lead to more logical updates to warlock as a whole.

Better not make nether portal be a long CD burst window, make it be an option for consistency!


I’m still the camp that Nether Portal should be a node for Tyrant, where the Tyrant leaves the portal he arrives through open, lol. The imagery is just insane.

Of course, as some who have read my posts are aware… I’d then put Nether Portal into a split talent node with Dark Apotheosis. >_> The choice between swarm them with demons, or become a demon and empower yourself, but legally distinct from Metamorphosis sagely nod.

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It would make sense for it to share a choice node with tyrant.

Tyrant is for big and long lasting demon summon builds while portal is for swarming enemies with copious amounts of demons, albeit lesser ones.

Would love for that kind of choice of dynamic

True, I’m just biased to the imagery of the portal being left open behind the tyrant. In terms of ‘balance’, it’d presumably work better being split node with Tyrant itself. That, and I feel like the best way these talents work is if you throw balance out the window? Aim for the class identity first, fit in as much flavor as possible, and then worry about numbers after, I.E. my preference for Nether Portal to be attached to Tyrant, split node with Dark Apotheosis which replaces Tyrant.

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best caps stone ever


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Someon on the alpha forums did the math and this new version of CI works out to be a dps loss. Not when compared in strength to other talents. No, if you pick this version of CI your Chaos Bolt and RoF just do less damage, and nothing else.

Ret has gotten multiple survivability nerfs on the alpha. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are one of the squishiest specs overall going into TWW.

Yeah it is gone, for now. Blizzard did say they want to bring it back eventually, but the current version is gone.

I couldn’t care less about positioning of talents within the tree. I have no interest in destruction unless they can make the rotation at all interesting and engaging. It’s really the most brain dead boring spec of all the classes I have at 70 right now. Which is…7. And demo is easily the second most brain dead and boring spec. With either spec, you could literally close your eyes, tab target, and mash your 4 buttons and do passable dps. You’re not going to at the top of the meters like this, but, you also won’t be at the bottom. You’re still going to beat other classes with players playing their class well. This isn’t fun, for me anyway.

It really worries me about the mage overhaul coming with TWW. Are they going to make all the mage specs destro level simplistic?

Honestly, yeah kinda. Arcane has been dumbed down massively. I am sure when you get into turbo min-maxing there are some intricacies left, but overall the spec (new Arcane) looks to be very simple to play. Actually plays a lot like a slower Ret paladin, which feels weird to say.