Trying to farm old content for transmog runs, I used to keep burning rush up, and one tick of drain life would heal me to full. After 11.02 yesterday, drain life does not heal me anywhere near the same amount. Nothing was mentioned in the patch notes. Is this a bug that was “fixed” ?
Blizzard sucks
It’s not a bug, it’s a deliberate change that we have known was coming for a while now: Fiendish Stride was nerfed into oblivion.
What does that have to do with drain life not healing
My bad, I worded that really poorly. When I hit drain life in an old raid or dungeon or something, it would have healed me to full, and now it doesn’t which is what I tried to say
Every expansion they always go and mess with what is and isn’t legacy content. I believe I heard something about BFA and SL content being harder to solo until we hit 80 again.
Are you running a raid from that era?
Since the nerf to Fiendish Stride, Burning Rush really hurts, to the point where it’s probably not worth using outside of a Dungeon or Raid (and even then, in LFR, that could be dodgy).
Yeah burning rush now is for small burst of speed usage. It deals too much damage on sustain runs through old dungeons.
No idea why it was change. Don’t think even the devs know why.
It was changed because streamers were able to leave burning rush on during combat to help avoid mechanics and never having to turn it off. Not saying I agree (or disagree), but it clearly isn’t meant to be something you could leave on and play with in combat. Watched Kalamazi run an entire dungeon without ever turning it off.
But as Hellbraive pointed out, this is a separate change unrelated to OPs issue.
OPs issue is that the Healing portion of Drain Life is not being amplified by Legacy damage modifiers, e.g. 1 tick should heal for like 200million health.
Uh, what on earth does that have to do with streamers?
Many locks would leave it on because the damage ticks were easily topped off lol. I’d have it on 90% of the time in Group content.
The underlying reason may be correct but it isn’t a streamer specific thing lol
How exactly do you think things become made more aware of and more of an issue? Through your use, or through Blizz watching a streamer running higher end content and being able to leave rush on without fear of dying? Don’t be daft.
Then they should have given a CD to it.
What funny is even with that thing on you still has the speedy specs being more speedy than with that on.
So are those skills on those specs going to received a long CD or duration reduction because of it.
Because I never saw them attempting to reduce movement for DH or monk I actually saw speed increases for most of those in the new hero trees.
You know your class is in a good state going into the expansion when these posts are the height of frustration.
They nerfed cause there is a hero talent that reduces the damage you take from burning rush like 100%, they broke many specs just for the hero talents fix them and we be gratefull to Blizzard.
Yup, you are right.
Drain life sucks now.
And I was able to solo almost anything, but not anymore even bfa ones take time now.
I cannot push m+ because my damage is lol, I cannot do old stuff because my damage is lol.
well, 10 more days…
Yea, its complete crap what they did.
Incredibly based