Warlock broken

There’s a really long list – some are fixed on beta, but since live is roughly 2 beta builds behind, we inherited many of the bugs that were ironically fixed on beta while also not inheriting any of the tuning changes, resulting in less damage overall.


These bugs are still TBD, but whether they are fully working, or partially working takes some work to figure out since we cannot see proper spell data like blizzard. This is a list that has bugs that are found or are assume to still be impacting play.

Here’s a shot at some demonology bugs:

  1. Dread calling is giving double value
  2. Doom is only applying if you have more than 1 demonic core since the spell is checking for demonic core on hit
  3. Impending Doom is not giving an imp on doom expiration
  4. Foul mouth does not work at all/partially works.
  5. Shadowtouched does not work at all/partially works
  6. Houndmaster’s gambit does not work.
  7. Improved demonic tactics do not work at all.
  8. Demonic Brutality does not work at all.

I would personally advise playing Demonology with some caution; you’re significantly bugged, reducing damage by a lot. Although, if you’re having fun playing the new talents, that doesn’t matter!

Class tree:

  1. Several bugs with healthstones. Demonic healthstones will dissapear once you hit a loading screen. I’m not too sure about the regular Healthstone bug, but it puts your Healthstone on cool down until you talent switch.


  1. Cull the weak doesn’t work at all
  2. Malefic touch is doing pre-rework damage (it does not scale with mastery)


  1. Power Overwhelming is giving double value, while also giving 3 shard value with inferno.
  2. Shadowburn is in an unbuffed state compared to beta which makes the entire shadowburn line of talents a dps loss to use.
  3. Decimation is supposedly proccing less than it should be (this is highly speculative)