Warlock broken

multiple talents in each spec arent working. is anything being done to fix it?


Which talents?
But yes I am sure it’s on their list of known pre-patch bugs… it’s just a mighty long list, sadly.

Need to be a great deal more specific because afflictions working for me

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There’s a really long list – some are fixed on beta, but since live is roughly 2 beta builds behind, we inherited many of the bugs that were ironically fixed on beta while also not inheriting any of the tuning changes, resulting in less damage overall.


These bugs are still TBD, but whether they are fully working, or partially working takes some work to figure out since we cannot see proper spell data like blizzard. This is a list that has bugs that are found or are assume to still be impacting play.

Here’s a shot at some demonology bugs:

  1. Dread calling is giving double value
  2. Doom is only applying if you have more than 1 demonic core since the spell is checking for demonic core on hit
  3. Impending Doom is not giving an imp on doom expiration
  4. Foul mouth does not work at all/partially works.
  5. Shadowtouched does not work at all/partially works
  6. Houndmaster’s gambit does not work.
  7. Improved demonic tactics do not work at all.
  8. Demonic Brutality does not work at all.

I would personally advise playing Demonology with some caution; you’re significantly bugged, reducing damage by a lot. Although, if you’re having fun playing the new talents, that doesn’t matter!

Class tree:

  1. Several bugs with healthstones. Demonic healthstones will dissapear once you hit a loading screen. I’m not too sure about the regular Healthstone bug, but it puts your Healthstone on cool down until you talent switch.


  1. Cull the weak doesn’t work at all
  2. Malefic touch is doing pre-rework damage (it does not scale with mastery)


  1. Power Overwhelming is giving double value, while also giving 3 shard value with inferno.
  2. Shadowburn is in an unbuffed state compared to beta which makes the entire shadowburn line of talents a dps loss to use.
  3. Decimation is supposedly proccing less than it should be (this is highly speculative)

What’s funny is half of those demonology talents on beta were reported not working when content creators noticed and it was fixed at the last iteration of beta but somehow they ended on live like this.

It seems like they likely gave us some weird gimp beta patch w.o the fixes on the latest and forgot there were bugs on the past iterations.

Because it seems like some specs didn’t even get their latest final beta talent trees.

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What I think happened, is that the PTR has been in a “release candidate” for the past 2 weeks, and most likely has a separate workflow / development allocation than the beta. So it’s technically not incorrect through what they’re saying. We haven’t had this many class changes this close to a release in forever, so I’m unsurprised that this is what happened. On the other hand, I’m really dissapointed…


Did some testing on a normal Amiridirssil run in the morning and my demo lock was doing significantly lower damage then before prepatch. I assumed it was just prepatch balancing and to look again at max level.

When your 505 warrior does more damage than your 528 lock.
That’s an achievement.

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Gives me an excuse to play my alt more at least, lmao.

Warriors are slapping against all 3 lock specs that are bottom 5 in the ligs.

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It’s kind of astounding just how many bugs there are in this patch. Half of the “new” stuff doesn’t even work properly. Small indie company Blizz is…

lol no it aint

first time pre-patch?

For affliction this is what i am seeing. All DPS spells are scaled down to around Shadowlands level as is armor and defenses. For the world boss in Zereth Mortis, i can usually burn them down very easily in less than 1-2 minutes but this week that world boss immediately drained all my mana and life and killed me in less than 30 seconds even with unending resolve up because that did not make any difference. All curse related spells also appear to have no effect and VW’s are unable to hold any aggro with threatening presence enabled. Those are my experiences for both DF and SL world content.

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Just did kings rest on my aff and knoticed the dame thing took wayyyyy to long to clear mobs and down bosses. My 424 chars where quicker then a 489. Something feels off.

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So I’m playing retail prepatch on destruction warlock, when I conjure a demonic healthstone, it instead creates a regular healthstone and I can’t consume it. Please Blizzard, fix.

So not only is the entire doom line not working correctly in prepatch (hasn’t been fixed in beta either) but neither are these

  • Fixed an issue where Shadowtouched did not benefit Felseeker, Implosion, Gloom Slash, or Guillotine.

  • Fixed an issue where Demonic Brutality would not increase the critical strike damage of your demons.

There were fixes in beta, so you won’t see them till release.

Additionally the health stones still have issues.

Why do I get the feeling that if come release if they can’t figure out how to fix some of these they’ll just outright change them to something completely generic.

Sorta what happened to soul harvester. They couldn’t figure out how to work out the weird interaction with one of demo’s talent so they change to just increase x damage of hand of guldan :joy:.

Another thing to keep an eye on is on felguard’s usage on pursuit.

I’m keeping a track on it but there’s seems to be a weird interaction between the charge in soul strike / pursuit where it seems like when it’s used the felguard won’t use pursuit even if set to auto within range.

I’m wondering if the macro to have pursuit active might actually be better on pet attack??

It might be the function between assist/passive for pets but not enough info on it yet.

This most recent beta patch was the most useless buffs to affliction ever. W/O defensives these classes like Feral, DK and DH they do such INSANE dmg now that you’re lucky if you can even get your full rotation out before you’re dead. Blizzard is well on its way to completely destroying PVP at this point

I mean lock will be weaker in comparison to most of the other dps since it seems like a few of the dps obtained some free defensives through hero talent or secondary through short cds and we just got some extremely weak options or attachments to long CDs we initially wouldn’t use till we actually need it.

Id rather they take care of our general tree. When you compare that to every other dps is just a hot mess.

Look at those capstones, healthstone now cool downs in combat (a qol as a talent), a 5% garbage soul conduit - this talent used to be 20% some expansion ago and players still didn’t like it(not even sure what this thing is doing at the final row realistically this thing belongs somewhere up above or not at all) and soul burn.

That’s it. That’s our class tree capstones. Additionally anyone wanna explain to me since when did warlock as a class cares about crit % that they created a class talent to increase our crit ???