- Bloodstones have several bugs/issues. First, this is one of two really terrible kiss/curse pvp talents. The other being deathwish. The problem is that both talents very gimmicky and almost never taken. Losing our on demand heal feels absolutely terrible considering we rely so heavily on healthstone to survive in pvp. Unless you give us an absolutely absurd amount of haste, I can’t see a reason to take this. The talent gives 30% haste, not 20% as in the patch notes (KEEP 30% PLEASE), maybe this makes it actually worth taking, but still… It doesn’t worth with Soulburn or Pact of Gluttony. Without PoG functionality, you cannot use your bloodstone more than one time in an arena unless you somehow manage to drop combat, which is almost impossible to do. Some kind of soulburn functionality would be cool to see. Again, I want to emphasize how much I hate and think it is a detriment to warlock in pvp lose your healthstone to take this talent. Even if you kept the healing component, you run into a problem where you’ve wasted your healing/defensive when using it offensively and you’ve wasted your haste amp if you use is to heal yourself. Consider just making this effect work on our major cooldown such as tyrant/infernal/darkglare. The last major issue/bug is that it can only be used while in combat, meaning you can’t pre-use it before initiating combat. Not the end of the world here, but it is odd that it functions this way.