Warlock banish for dh in meta

warlocks should be able to use banish on dh during meta but instead of a flat duration the dh should have to solve a 3rd grade level cross-word puzzle

this should effectively remove every dh from the game until it’s over

maybe let hibernate/scarebeast work on bm hunters too since they have the cognitive ability of baby gorillas?


Based Kam take.


go ahead dh mains

solve it


Pretty sure you could banish demo locks back when they had (the cooler version) meta…

what is this, a crossword for ants?

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theyre blind, they dont care

I’m not, so I care >:(
I need to see if I am smarter than a 5th grade demon hunter

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Should work just like Lichborne and Shackle. That still a thing?




If DH has another form of cc added against them it would be fair to add yet another form of cc to every class. Do you agree?

What’s good for the goose? Maybe banish for Ascendance? Disarm for bladestorm? We can make a fun list as this game needs way more cc!

polymorph for druids

Just getting back into pvp, can you still hibernate feral?

I don’t play druid and I haven’t really seen anyone take hibernate or scare beast

yes, I also should be able to wake of ashes stun and fear demon a dh in demon form