Warlock 9.2 Tier Set.... Yikes

Monks got the hunter treatment. lol


They are NOT hiding that Warlocks are evil people anymore.

They had one job to do while cleaning up a lot of cancel cultures but they are adding more to em.

Blizzard, great job.

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I’m wondering how they would even fix the design if/when they choose to change it. They based the shape of the hood entirely around the mask and a red diamond-shaped jewel, but they apparently didn’t consider what the hood would look like from behind before choosing it’s the final design.

This is something that should have been caught during the concept art phase. Now they will probably have to somehow reshape the hood to be rounded, which could end up lowering the overall quality of the models and textures since it was designed to be pointy for some reason.

Alternatively, maybe they could create an entirely different head slot appearance reminiscent of a demon’s head or something.

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 good news
 seems Blizzard is listening to us and the warlock armor will be changed

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No, I see Mathael from D3 as a wearable hood for us.

Honestly if they changed it to conical and black it wouldn’t change much, black conical hoods with skulls was the klan’s main attire during their worst reign of terror during Jim Crow.

Ironically they didn’t start wearing all white robes and the “iconic” hoods till Hollywood invented the idea via political cartoonists in the early 1900’s, before that they just wore Mardi Gras costumes or normal everyday clothes to be unidentifiable/cause more terror.

this one is ok too

Well, in that sense, it’s probably as warlocky as it can be while also being First Ones themed.

Although if you want a real cultist outfit, there’s always Ny’alotha.

I imagine that they might change the hood to be more of a pentagon shape, which wouldn’t be overly hard to do. There’s already a triangular-shaped red gem on the robes themselves, so they could convey an idea of a pentagram for the opening of the hood while flattening out the hood. That could even make the set themed better for a Warlock.

I would be surprised if they keep a conical shape for the hood at all. Even if they were to change the color, there would be no guarantee that racists wouldn’t still try and use the hood for racist activities. Changing the shape of the hood itself would ensure that the Warlock set can’t be used for racist purposes.

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Kinda cute that you didn’t even notice it, along with many others, until wowhead posted about it isn’t it?

Saying it looks like a clan outfit is reaching just because it’s white

I think you folks are overreacting

I guess all warlocks are gonna get the title grand master wizard

Y’all have the worst shoulders ever