Warglaives of Azzinoth transmog

So the timewalking burning crusade is back and I’ve gotten my warglaives set a few weeks back. I was reading that you need to complete the black temple raid in order to get an achievement to do the transmog. I read that you don’t even need to be on my DH char or to be wielding the weapon to get the achievement.

The main question is, do I just need to gather at least 10 people to sign up for the raid ? Is it easy or hard? Do I need to know the mechanics? What’s the best comp? Where can I sign up for other people’s group if they’re making it ? Sorry I’ve never done a timewalking raid so I’m just a bit confused. Thanks I’m advance

  1. You can do it on any character once you’ve gotten both warglaives on any character. (Need both on 1 character)
  2. You need a full raid. Finding one in the the LFG tool is pretty easy.
  3. You definitely need to know the mechanics. It’s not as hard as it was live back during BC, but you can and will wipe if people don’t know the mechanics.
  4. Standard raid comp. 2 tanks, a few healers, and the rest dps.

I will add that a lot of groups have a tendency to break up after a couple of wipes, so be prepared for that. It’s also difficult getting a random group of people to concentrate on the mechanics. If you are going to start a raid yourself, make sure you’re with somebody who can lead the raid for you.

My recommendation though, would to keep your eyes out for listed groups in the group finder who are on the last boss, or at least a few bosses in. You don’t actually have to do the whole raid for the transmog, you just have to kill Illidan after you get the achievement for having the Warglaives.

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When I got mine I found a group that was already on Illidan and just killed him and got the xmog. It was 10 people I think because scaling, with 7 DHs (2 Vengeance), 1 Warlock and 2 healers lol if I remember correctly. Pretty cheese.

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You can skip most of the raid if a DH has the toy to swap places with someone, just get a warlock into the harem then summon the raid up to it.

You can also do the DH skip by getting all the DH’s up to Mother. Make sure someone has an engineer Rez handy. Pull Mother and stay alive long enough to Port a Warlock or Healer up to Mother. They’ll prob die on Port, but then have all the DH’s leash Mother back to the door. Rez the Healer or Warlock and begin summoning everyone up. Takes a bit of patience, but works everytime.

Good luck bud

Trying to get a group together and also trying to find on LFR and seems that no one wants to do BT :frowning:

I must do this as I waited for like a few months for this and I know it’ll be awhile again till the next TBC timewalking

Most raids don’t want to clear trash at the second boss and wipe a few time before vanishing. Otherwise, they will get to Illidan and spend about 15 wipes because people don’t take their herpies out of the groups and slowly have to learn mechanics (spread during the spread phase, don’t stand outside of the circle when the giant fire demons are out or they enrage and wipe, etc.)

Also, I might be imagining things, but I feel like these bosses and trash have a ton more HPs then they used to in the Time Walking Black Temple raids I did before I left for over a year.

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