Warglaives and Transmog

Yeah, its almost like they heard the complaints about Tier sets and moved in a different direction design wise.

Dude, pre-BFA the forums were full of people excited not to be restricted to tier sets anymore. I know that the forums have memory lapses often, but the choice was seen favorably on paper and failed in execution.

Changing direction in design choice =/= lacking the resources to do something. Your arguments are speculation, borderline doomsaying.

No, no it did not. Having tier sets =/= having more cosmetic rewards. In fact, I would argue that BFA has a LOT of Cosmetic rewards with Heritage Armors, faction armors, Island Expedition cosmetic rewards, ect.

Providing a source is not “witch-hunting”.



All I have to say is every expansion has invalidated our achievements and gear from previous expansions. There is no status from owning any item. So I say let people transmog whatever they want.

More like you only see what you want to see.

Im done :rofl:

Yeah man, I’m sure a raid tier or something important would be lost if they dare decided to add a new weapon model into the game.

On a more serious note, why are you under the impression that an HD remodel would cause harm? You can’t really think the team is that pressed for time, can you?

Blizzard just being arbitrary as usual.
This game survives only because its too large to fail. Decisions like this would have hurt any other game.


They kinda are.

From WOD season 1 (Which has the highest peak subs since LK), 4 unique set per class (which is insane).
Legion, 1 set per class, 2 recolor + class halls recolor
BFA, Raid, Warfront have 1 armor per armor type (no longer the case after Warfront discontinued, pvp now raid recolor)

Also im not saying remodel would cause harm, im saying it’s not happening.

This decision has not been announced for very long, there really are not that many threads already existing on it to start with and I noticed none when I checked before posting.

Second, I can throw around Buzzwords just as easily with you with your attempting to strawman/invalidate my argument by making claims its seeking to be a podium/echo chamber when in fact its a discussion and the follow up posts prove that with not everyone agreeing and my DISCUSSING it with people on both sides.

THIRD, as the “teachers pet” I do know a lot about these forums because I am expected to know a lot about these forums and should point out to you that name calling/trolling in the manner you are is against CoC so don’t come in here and try to morally grandstand while you yourself are flinging names around.

Also, to add to this–

–abusing the flagging system is ALSO against the CoC as well as telling others to abuse the flagging system.

Yeah… I can be a bit wordy.

TLDR, Warglaives should be mogable by everyone who can use the legendary items and the previously added DH quest to make them transmogable should reward something else instead. I suggested HD versions of said Warglaives.

I would happily prove you wrong but, you know, the old forum archives were removed a few days ago so.

/shrug I could say the same to you.

Okay. You have no counter argument and all you can come up with is this. Dude, anyone reading can see the facts for what they are as well as the attitude you hold.

Yeah, that argument has been run into the ground. I mean, its meaning has some merit but people just use it as a buzzword now in days as an attempt to invalidate opinions.

See, the thing here is that those who are opposing this are not even discussing the idea or even bringing that suggestion up. Its being entirely ignored for some reason. I am open to hearing their opinions on why they wouldn’t want it but it feels like they are more focused on attacking me than discussing the topic and expressing why they disagree now.

I don’t know man, the Titanic was suppose to be unsinkable but it sunk.

Honestly, I think the market speaks volumes as WoW has had stable competition that has not died off and continued to grow in FFXIV and ESO for a while now. Its not the monopoly it once was.

Not doom saying, just saying that things (even businesses once thought unsinkable) have fallen before.

Yeah, smaller games certainly have to tread a lot more carefully, that is for sure.


Frostmourne is iconic to death knights, not Shadowmourne. Thunderfury being iconic to rogues is a joke.

Disagree. I don’t think it’s a time related issue, just a “we don’t feel like it” type of issue. You kind of said it yourself earlier. They have all of this time to make store cosmetics. That usually implies an amount of free time, if they’re using their old workplace mindset.

I mean, I agree. Blizzard’s not going to. My view of Blizzard as a whole is pretty cynical. I think Blizzard is electing to go this route simply because it’s less effort on their end.

I agree, I was hoping I’d be able to use my glaives as frost but now I have no other option as geddon won’t drop his binding for me, lovely that I’ll be able to use TF when I didn’t even exist though.

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It’s like taking warlock meta all over again D:

This is off topic, but it saddens me greatly that this is the implication when Thunderfurry is much better suited for warriors. Arguably the best tanking weapon to have ever existed.

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Store cosmetic doesn’t imply free time, they need them to stay afloat these days, because subs is plummeting. They even publicly said subs is no longer measure of success.

You can keep arguing but deep down you know HD remodel is not happening.

Which… kinda proves my point. The two examples I made are using the same logic that is being applied to the Warglaives.

So I have heard, but considering that this is going live as an official announcement now its more relevant here I feel. I do remember people asking about this, not specific threads, and Blizzard being quiet on the matter at the time now that I think about it.

Off topic as well, I agree. I thought it was a really weird choice as well at the time and still kinda do. I know Rogues could always use Thunderfury but its not what I think of when I think “Outlaw”


Unsubstantiated observation.

I said that it wasn’t happening. Do you have trouble reading or something?


Why is the OP flagged? Are people really just using the flag system to bury posts they don’t like or disagree with now?


No, you said it won’t happen because they’re lazy.

Im saying they can’t do it because they just don’t have enough resource, 800 less employee on top of store gear.

Please learn to read.

So I said it wouldn’t happen. Glad you can admit that.

This is why you don’t skip school.

If you think its the same, then there’s no reason for you to quote me in the first place, you basically agree to everything i said.

Adding my support for opening up opening up warglaives to others.

It’s a slap in the face to those who have diligently farmed them for so long…

Imagine the heartache for those who learned that only DH will ever get to transmog these back in Legion, to then have a ray of hope during the Shadowlands reveal that legendaries can be transmogged, only to see the hope was a lie…

… from a Twitter post of all places…