So I got the Warglaive of Azzinoth to drop…
On a paladin.
What is the process I go through, since it didnt give me the achieve, to reobtain it on something that isnt the paladin?
So I got the Warglaive of Azzinoth to drop…
On a paladin.
What is the process I go through, since it didnt give me the achieve, to reobtain it on something that isnt the paladin?
Run it on a rogue/demon hunter/warrior (I think hunter might work too) and hope another one drops?
You need both to drop to get the achievement, as in collecting the set. This probably means on the same character. Your problem right now is that paladins can’t equip them, so I’m not sure if you’ll be able to get the achievement. Idk if it’s “equip both warglaives” or just “own them.”
Worst case scenario, make a rogue, warrior, hunter, DK, or DH to benefit from this though.
I think hunters can equip them, right?
Ran on a DK. Nothing.
Try a DH
That thing has a low drop rate. I have one too, on this toon. Offhand.
Good luck.
Yeah, which is why I listed the only classes who can (or could - in the case of hunter) duel wield them. Not trying to be a jerk. I’m legitimately giving you feedback regarding how to get the achievement. As Varick stated above, both have to be equipped.
I have thoridal on my druid. Super useful there. /s
Is obtaining them a feat of strength? Because I have, and can equip both of the warglaives on my monk. But I don’t think I ever got the achievement.
To get the achievement it has to drop on a toon that can use it. My warlock here got a Warglaive before my Warrior ever did. Once you have the achievement, on ANY toon, your DH can complete the BT timewalking to unlock the transmog for it.
Maybe monks don’t count? Are they listed on them as usable by monks?
I know monks are allowed to equip them.
you have the feat.
Warrior, Rogue, DH, DK or Monk only can equip them. And you need to equip them for the FoS.
But once you have the FoS you can run a DH through a Timewalking BT raid and get them on your DH transmog list, I think it is the only legendary from old that can be transmogged in a very specific way.
I was looking forward to getting them on my rogue, until I remembered you cannot Xmog legendaries of old.
Ah yes, the warglaives. I have one of them on a couple of characters, but I got both of them … on my mage. On her first and second runs of Black Temple. I wish I was joking
I have both on this toon, so i have FoS and an illidan kill on this toon…thus I can use the xmog on my DH. As long as you have the FoS, any toon can kill Illidan and you can xmog them on your DH.
What frustrates me is…Warriors used to be able to dual wield them as fury and use all abilites, but now…being fury requires you to have 2 2h weaps equipped to use all abilities. Can only whirlwind when using 2 1h weaps. At least I can use one when I’m tanking or both when im running old content. Like really old.