can we finally remove the class lock from the bc warglaives or change how the achievement is obtained. im so sick of farming for the left and right warglaives from illidan when i have 2 mh and 1 oh sitting on my hunter in his bank that i got while farming for the bow back in mop. i have no problem farming for things but farming for something i already have feels insulting
Yeah, removing the class lock sounds fair.
Back when I was farming MC for the Hydraxian Waterlords rep, I got the drops for Sulfuras, so I made it. On my Mage.
Felt really good to finally learn that appearance with 11.0 after having it in my bank for over 10 years.
i still need thunderfury but at least that isnt locked behind a achievement for the xmog. i want to say im shocked you still had it but we cant delete legendarys lol
Its a tough one but I don’t think they will remove it… with artifacts they made “signature weapons”
Ashrbinger was never a pally only weapon and thunderfury was more a tanking sword then a rogue weapon. I just can’t see them redoing it.\
Is kind of a shame… most dhs I see tend to go for fist weapons or axes.
idc what they do i just want the achievement i already earned. i cant use said signature weapon on the class its the signature weapon for because of this achievement. it is wild though that warglaives are dh only but i see almost none using them to. if i see someone using a glaive its crafted.