I wanted to open up a thread to get a discussion on Warforging, and the general thoughts and sentiments behind it. For me personally I found that it was an extremely enjoyable system that provided an extra incentive, and could have been perfected with some fine tuning.
One of the personal benefits I saw with warforging is that it provided me with a continued incentive to raid throughout the patch. As it stands currently my weekly activities will include heroic raiding two nights a week, and several M+ dungeons throughout various days. Due to the way the current loot system works the highest ilvl gear I can acquire is through the vault by completing 15+ keys. this means that by a certain point in time I reach a threshold in gear that I can actually utilize from the raid, and my only source of gear comes directly from the vault.
When I am raiding it is purely a social experience - I don’t need any gear from it and I’m not acquiring any resources from it. I don’t think I’m speaking purely for myself when I say that one of the most important parts of raiding, besides having a chance to be social with friends, is the excitement of getting a new piece of gear. It’s been a fundamental part of my raiding experience since I began back during Classic, and it’s something that I felt has been lost ever since warforging was removed.
What warforging did for me is it still provided an opportunity to receive a higher ilvl piece of gear, even if it was randomized and not guaranteed, in a way I wouldn’t normally acquire it. It was an exceptionally feel good experience to get a trinket or a weapon that was able to roll up to mythic quality, it re-created that “cool” factor that I think the game is missing now from the more casual perspective, and it made me excited to go into the raid each week for the opportunity.
A comparison I would like to share on how I see the removal of this system has influenced my game play is the difference between Eternal Palace and the current raid tier Sanctum of Domination.
After getting AOTC on Eternal Palace, we immediately went back into the raid the following week, there wasn’t a break period, and we continued to go in there each week following until Ny’alotha. Some people switched to alts during that time, but for the majority of our core-raiding group it was their mains. Each week provided us an incentive because we knew there was an opportunity to get better gear than we had currently owned through warforging, and each week we were able to get better at the raid until we were effectively speed running it.
Compared to Sanctum of Domination - before even getting AOTC we lost a significant portion of our raiders, and after getting it that number dwindled down even further. I can’t speak to why everyone made the choices that they did, but from my perspective a lot of it had to do with loot. Many of the people who chose to no longer raid, or decided to switch to alts, are still likely to log in to participate in M+ and complete their weekly vault.
Two of the primary antagonists to the idea that I can recall surrounding warforging were the following -
- Players felt that others were getting an “unfair” advantage, or were getting gear they didn’t deserve.
- Players felt obligated to run multiple levels of the raid each week.
The first point is one I admittedly don’t understand, and would be happy to discuss it further. From my point of view I don’t see how it offered any sort of unfair advantage. Generally I’ve found that most people will play predominately within their own social groups. This would mean that my own personal activities don’t have any influence, benefit, or detraction from anyone else outside of that social group. My gear and play style are only reflected within those people.
To the second point - that is completely understandable, and one way I can think to fix it is to simply adjust the scaling. LFR can only go to normal, normal can only go to heroic, and heroic can only go to mythic.
I’d like to discuss this further with everyone and get their input. Ultimately for me it boils down to the fact that I would like to continue raiding, but at present there isn’t any benefit to doing so after a certain point.