Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Lor’themar said, finally seeming to shake himself out of his shock. “He is a braggart, and a bully, and he has remained among us far too long already.”

There it is!

Lor’Themar basically all but saying

He keeps taking the piss out of my haircut by calling me Madame and makes fun of my poetry notebook!!!


I’d just like to formally apologize to the Amani. Nothing you did was unreasonable in the face of this posh BS.

The Farstriders announce how they’re the thin line. Not between order and chaos. But between their people and any indication this world might be a harsh place that doesn’t give a flying duk if they wanted to dance barefoot on the beach because ish has gotten real.

Good God did these people need the Horde to slap some sense into them.


This book honestly should have been made in legion, and teldrassil shouldn’t have occurred.

That was always part of Kael’thas’s character. Arthas even taunts Kael’thas during the final mission of the scourge campaign in TFT that he got Jaina.

King Arthas: Are you still upset that I stole Jaina from you, Kael?
Prince Kael’thas: You’ve taken everything I ever cared for, Arthas. Vengeance is all I have left.


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In Vanilla he was just a world boss with two dogs at a farm. The back history between him and Sylvanas hadn’t been done yet. Sylvanas was still strutting around in a stolen Night Elf Body then.

I believe it was Cata where he was added to UC as a Hunter Trainer for the new Forsaken Hunter Race/Class Combo. His backstory started getting fleshed out then.

Sylvanas by the time Teldrassil occurred is utterly delusional and insane.

I didnt play till wrath, but by BC, dont you get a quest to go retrieve the ledger for Sylvanas and kill the farstriders holding it, that documented Nathanos membership as a ranger? That, I thought, was a very subtle introduction of their connection.


Also Golden stole the “I’ll make your corpse dance” from TES IV Oblivion.

Okay maybe she didn’t. But I’d wager quite a hefty sum she played that game, and the line

I’ll make you dance for me, little mage. I’ll make your corpse dance- THEN TEAR ITSELF APART

Always stuck out to me. It’s a good line. Because it’s a hell of a threat coming from a necromancer.


Sylvanas was stunned. Could this be? Could he truly be weakening? Why? What did it mean? For him…and for her?

I get this isn’t the point of the book but my mind immediately jumps to all the Scourge who’d become the Forsaken starting to come to.

I had this toon fall at Darrowshire. Coming too in God’s knows where. Realizing he was surrounded by undead and just running. Running and running and running. And as he took stock near a river it began to dawn on him.

Nothing lunged to attack him. Nothing even seemed to notice him. And… come to think of it… had he stopped to take a breath until now? Come to think of it his breathing was rather shallow when it should’ve been demanding thick gasps of air after the terrified marathon

He’d already put two and two together and didn’t bother looking at his hands or body. He crawled to the lake for a glance at his reflection.

He wasn’t thrilled, to put it mildly.


Goldan has that bad habit(or maybe it was Blizzard) of making someone TOO Villanous.
On that note Ner’zhul was slightly on the “reasonable evil” side of just wanting to get off Draenor asap until the final reveal of “haha, I was evil all along, I never cared about the Horde” which considering what Sylvanas did in BfA makes me think that was all Blizzard.

Honestly it’s not that bad. Arthas certainly comes off as a weird sadistic creep but,yeah, that’s kind of his deal.

Unless some much more horrific stuff comes later I’d say that’s all pretty par for the course.


In Ner’zhul’s case she was exaggerating Ner’zhul’s actions at the end of the Beyond the Dark Portal Expansion of Warcraft 2.

He specifically left the Clans on Azeroth(which specifically are the bloodthirsty Warsong Clan, the Frostwolves, Twilight’s Hammer, Stormweavers and Rend Blackhand’s Forces) behind while only taking the Horde Factions on Draenor(which was everyone else) away from Draenor.

Golden exaggerated it so that he only brought the small band following him at the time with him rather than everyone that Ner’zhul deemed to not be Bloodthirsty Warmongers who doomed the Horde(Warsong), dead(Twilight’s Hammer and Stormweavers) or have rejected his initial offer(the Frostwolves and Rend Blackhand’s Faction).

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What’s puzzling is they have shifted the blame on Blight entirely to Putres. Who’s an unsettling weirdo even by the standards of the Forsaken.

And uh. Yeah no. It was pretty clearly indicated Sylvanas had ordered a new plague to throw at the Scourge.

I guess you could say that was misinterpreted. Because she only authorized the project and apparently thought Putres just meant animals? Idk this is a weird book.

And I’m not even at the eels yet.


I think its much worse. He’s literally relishing in violating her body, with details attached.

I’m still reading as well, but I can’t wait for Christie to reveal who Arthas is talking about when he says: “if only you knew who was minding your corpse on my behalf” Muhahahahahah

Maybe its someone that she loves or hates, otherwise…

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I mean, yeah, that’s Arthas.

Idk I didn’t find it like shocking or anything. He’s a vile bastard.

I’m not shocked, its the details that’s making Arthas look much worst imo.

Having her body preserved, is one thing but gloating about who’s “minding her body” is worst than an allegory. Now we’re getting into canon. Maybe it will be revealed that the person minding her body is someone she loved or hated. I think I’ll wait until I finish the book to process what is meant by “if only you knew who was minding your corpse on my behalf” Muhahahahahah

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Isn’t it just Dar’Khan? Who’s also a weird little creep?

And yeah the whole Arthas Sylvanas thing was only ever barely allegorical.

That’s why, furious though I was, I was pretty disgusted by the people who wanted Arthas to get a redemption arc by defeating her and tormenting her for all eternity.

Stupid as this all is at least that didn’t happen.


I didn’t get that out of that, let me check once more.

Oh, I’m relived with the outcome. There were a few worst case scenarios that would have took me out.

I told you it was lol


I’m gonna assume Arthas meant Dar’khan, it makes the most sense, yeah he’s creepy but I’m not gonna guess how creepy.