Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Yeah it’s still very annoying to me they don’t have the Forsaken reckon with any of this.

It always bugged me in BC when the Belves are just instantly out for Kael’Thas’s after the Sunwell Plateau update because he attacked the city off screen.

And if this guy is considered the last, best hope for the elves race and the last son of an ancient bloodline that founded everything you hold dear - well you’d think thered be some denial or heartbreak. Something.

So I did appreciate the Loyalists still being in denial.

But there’s a whole book’s worth of content you could squeeze out of this.

Like - I don’t think this is very good but I tried to do something. I kind of liked the idea of the Forsaken at least feeling some solace within the found family of the Horde.

This is what makes me nervous about this direction. It’s not that Forsaken can’t or shouldn’t be able to get along with humans. It’s that they’re essentially different species now and just aren’t going to ever gel well together. Even the nicest undead like Faol is still a bit unhinged.

I wonder what would happen if you split someone into pure light and pure void. Interested in volunteering?

I figured the reason nobody ever tried to move into SW with their kid is the same reason no human would want to move to the UC to be with their mom.

Even if you vanish the societal suspicions and intolerance - they just need drastically different things to feel comfortable now. The Forsaken don’t hang out in crypts with giant bats to be on brand. That’s their version of a cozy cottage and big friendly dog.

Obviously they’re going to hang out with the guys who decorate Christmas trees with skulls and edged weapons.