Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

It’s so bizzare man like I said what is wrong with that. And said oh they are feeding this behavior I’m like so what it’s their money and I said we all have that one thing that’s I can’t say what’s related to poop but not good storytelling like the fast and furious series. There is nothing wrong with this.

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If no one has told you, thank you!!! I really enjoy your input not just on this, you know your stuff and have some really good take always.


It’s just supremely frustrating. Particularly with Golden as she’ll create some interesting concepts then not really do anything with them.

BtS’s Desolate Council was a wonderful idea. The Forsaken essentially inventing representative democracy would be a nice way of advancing the Will Of The Forsaken theme to its logical conclusion. But then all but one of them dies and we never hear from the survivor.

Terror by Torchlight flat out said everyone connected to necromancy was essentially hearing ominous music play. I was picturing the Forsaken pacing like a nervous dog sensing an approaching thunder storm. But we never really hear from them between BFA and SL so, who knows.

Who knows. Maybe we’ll get extremely lucky and Roux could take a swing at a book fleshing out Voss. Her background is as a horror novelist so I think she’d be a good fit.


Why do I get the feeling Roux might not be on Blizzard top potential list of authors at the moment.

Okay I was wrong, there’s more than just a page about Gilneas. Micah will be happy at this retelling if the Battle of Gilneas. It’s not like the Worgen Heritage questchain…Genn is formidable, powerful and fierce. Welding a two handed broadsword in an enormous paw.

She calls Genn Greymane a kindred spirit and sees him as her equal.

I can’t wait for my friend to read this book! I think he will be satisfied with how the Gilneans are depicted.


Nor does she want to work for them

She alluded to Bad Things after the lawsuit broke she had to deal with

And the Nobbel interview that was removed had her explaining how messy and unprofessional CDev is, having her rewrite Muehzala’s ending last minute (early 2019) for her book


To be fair no one wants to work for blizzard. And rightfully so considering the horrific culture. Have we seen actual change beside activism on vague statements.


All my takeaway from this whole thread:

Poor ugly unwanted Pugthanos. At least he got to hit it.


It certainly feels like there are some points in this book that were required by Cdev because it doesn’t match the tone of Golden’s writing. So the tone of this book is all over the place. She copy pastes her previous work. Steals verbatim in game dialogue. Retells WC3 and then runs on a tangent to her make believe fairyland of OC’s ignoring continuity or established canon, or “everyone is a mirror of Anduin”, or her reflection of herself.

Basically what Golden is known for.


Wasn’t Stormhiem after he got the new body?


I’m confused. What do eels have to do with anything?


I always found that line weird too, especially since it’s coming from Dread Rider Cullen, an actual Forsaken looking Forsaken.

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Gah. Of course they’d manage to spoil things after hiring an interesting writer.

I liked SR because for once everybody felt human. As in flawed and stressed and making it up as they go along while still feeling like the characters we know.

Anduin puts on a crappy disguise and sneaks out for drinks. That’s wildly dangerous and irresponsible but certainly what a stressed out 19 year old would do. He’s still Honest Andy though so he has one beer and only flirts with the idea of flirting with the soldier girl making eyes at him.

He’s still the character we know and, have, but he actually does something pretty selfish. SW Kings have a bad habit of getting kidnapped and he’s alone at night. Though from what we see of SL he probably was safer there if you can just swoop into SW and grab him like you’re snatching a bag of chips out of a 7/11.

Still mad we didn’t get to see how that worked with Baine.

Turaylon and Alleria do genuinely awful ish. But not to be evil for a laugh. They’re stressed, scared and time is running out. It doesn’t make what they did right but isn’t cruelty for cruelty’s sake as it so often is in these stories.

And I really loved how Talanjii created her own villain by just being a crappy friend. There’s that great moment where she gets that sinking feeling. She never came back for her friend. She left her there.

It’s understandable from Talanjii’s perspective. So much was going on. But yeah leaving your best friend trapped under a pillar is pretty unforgivable. Totally got where the rebel leader was coming from.



Did we ever get a definite answer on if she was legitimately sent to the Maw or did the Val’kyr intercept her on her way to the Arbiter like how Arthas got intercepted by Devos and Uther?

Or did Sire Denathrius pull some underhanded action upon her being sent to Revendreth? Maybe like fast forwarding her to the Maw for the Jailer?

Maybe some other force redirected her by forgoing the Arbiter like Elune did with Ysera? Is Elune the only power with the ability to bypass the Arbiter?

There are way too many mitigating factors to the Shadowlands system to automatically assume it is broken when so many players are exerting free will on the system to change or bypass the system’s intent.

And that isn’t even accounting for the fact that other powers can (and do) invade the afterlives for their own purposes. (I am talking about the Light’s invasion of Revendreth and the Void’s invasion of Bastion.)


Apparently we get some more info on how Sylvanas sold the Forsaken (and later the BEs) joining the Horde to Thrall and Cairne. Anything new or juicy there? How’s she frame it?

I’ll get back to you on this, it was 3am when I read it I’ll need to revisit it.

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All good, you’re a saint for relaying all this in the first place.


The person making the claim that no one is reunited is Agatha, one of the Mawsworn Val’kyr. That would not be one of the most reliable of sources. (Although Sylvanas likely didn’t know that at the time.)


Well it’s more a question of is this just the jailer lying to her, or is blizzard trying to explain the shadowlands to the reader through this and blizzard/golden forget about them. Also do Val’kyr lie? I assume it’s possible, but sometimes beings like that are written as being above lying/above the need to lie.


If someone’s ‘Ideal Heaven’ is eternity away from you, maybe that says less about the Arbiter and more about what the relationship was really like.