Warcraft Short Story: "The Calling"

Takes like this are so bizzare as they clearly show you know literally nothing about how game dev works

Christie didnty “ruin” the story, every decision regarding story, every plot hook, every book, story, character arc, literally everything is decided upon by the creative director, multiple teams of people, multiple writers.

Christie was told what to write, and she writes it, if you dont like a story she wrote, blame blizzard as they are the ones who decide on who and what gets written and how its to be written and how it is to be presented.


It’s because alliance are the good guys so more stories are written about them because people care more about the good guys

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I didn’t even read the alliance short stories back in the day either. I don’t care about their story whatsoever, and I only played through BFA as an alliance alt for the mount reward.

That’s your problem, but you can’t say I’m getting just the bare minimum from them when there are currently 5 neutral Alliance locations compared to just one neutral Horde location. Or things like a Warden set, including a mount, which somehow is also accessible to the Horde, tons of other Alliance transmogs, other mounts, and now several Alliance models. It is what it is. BuT muH FacTIoN HonOr is no longer a thing. :woman_shrugging:

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She was a victim of the big Microsoft layoffs. A month ago she made a post about this. She kept quiet for such a long time because she was laid off the day before her nephew died of cancer and she had to process these life-changing events for a while.


Oh, I see. Didn’t know that, thanks.


Faction pride isn’t what I dislike about the current story. My character wouldn’t work with these people, and it feels forced for me to do so. I guess that’s just the state of the game. I’ll keep playing as I do enjoy it but I just feel disconnected from the story moving forward.

Horde players: Give us some story

Alliance mains: What? You’re not happy with all those villain bats?


Sees the name ‘Christie Golden,’ frowns, and tosses the story in the trash.


Ah, I see what you mean. In that case, I even agree with you. A lot of it feels extremely forced. After Legion, the aggressive war felt extremely contrived. Now in Dragonflight, the peace and harmony stuff feel extremely forced. Just look at the Night Elves and Worgen for example. It was the Horde that destroyed their lands and killed thousands of their people… and now they’re inviting them to tea parties. It’s quite strange and that’s actually coming from someone, who is not a fan of the two faction system. :sweat_smile:

But well, it is what it is. Bad storytelling.


Clicking “Read Now” opens the entire 37 page PDF in my browser.


I liked it :dracthyr_nod:


This would be a good example of the cruel and gratuitously insulting kind of language that I’d love to see scoured from the forums.


If someone doesn’t want to read everything:

Anduin lives a simple life in Stormsong Valley and is plagued by trauma, nightmares etc. because he feels guilty for almost hurting his friends, even though his body was controlled and he wasn’t truly responsible for those actions.
He keeps his true identity a secret and meets a family, as well as a fox (unfortunately not a Vulpera), who help him regain some courage and trust.
He leaves the fox with the family when he eventually continues his journey.


Who is keep adding more foxes?!

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I liked the story.


I thought he was guilty because he felt a twisted sense of glee on some level? That he thought he was a goodie two-shoes but part of him delights in hurting others and that left him shook?

Anduin is a bit of Nancy though because everyone (or maybe I’m wrong) has those instincts to hurt others, being good isn’t about being mentally pure but knowing right from wrong and not acting on intrusive thoughts.

Anduin can literally read minds, dude needs to peer into a few peoples head and realize it’s human nature to have intrusive thoughts :dracthyr_shrug:


The story was about this basically.

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Cut them some slack. Reading is hard for them maybe.

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Damn as someone that struggles with PTSD…this hit hard.