In the second war, the greatest warlocks of Gul’dan were executed; to which later — He summoned their souls and infused them into dead humans, raising them from the dead with his Shadow-Council’s souls.
What isn’t told though, is that one of the humans was still alive – clinging to life and wanting to live despite their trauma & hardships lived … The orc warlock’s soul that bombarded the body had their souls & minds meet, yet the warlock senses a familiarity in their memories & pasts.
The ‘human’ rose and snuck away before Gul’dan and the Horde could realise one of the humans was actually alive — The warlock drained the energies of nearby creatures to restore his lifeforce and the two souls with their unified knowledge decided – To live life to the fullest.
Many years later …
The powerful warlock had kept his youth for many years until after the fall of the Lich King, but at this point now hadn’t practiced such great magics in a long, long while and was now married to a cleric who had mended his wounds after slipping down a cliff.
Whilst out venturing Dalaran however – His wife was taken prisoner by a foolish sect of an organisation. They declared she carried the taint of undeath, despite showing no signs of such; under the pretense that she mended wounds with necromantic magics as opposed to how she actually mended her patients — Through medicine and nature magic.
She was burned at the stake by the organisation – and when the warlock of two souls had heart-wrenchingly returned, he – They vowed vengeance, against the fools who had committed this atrocity & were responsible for such an act.
- He knew where to start, the organisation which these zealots were from:
The Scarlet Crusade.
Through his despair and his broadened knowledge from the Kirin Tor — He opened up a violent gateway to the dark depths of the nether and demons of strange variety had began to pour forth. These demons however, were greatly intelligent and they were bound by a pact with the warlock: To deliver vengeance onto those who had wronged them and any who supported their actions …
Scarlet Settlements fell, one by one.
Eventually the organisation felt the darkness would reach the shores of their small continent, but the bishop — The one & the same who was actually responsible for the darkness biting at their heels; from burning the innocent wife of the warlock, assured them they were safe.
The bishop declared that any healer that did not use the light was to be executed before sundown and remained in the church of the light, in the town he was situated.
The reckoning …
The church doors in the distance from the bishop opened, then slammed shut.
- Bishop Gunkle: “Are the shaman dead!?”
{an ominous voice booms from down the hallway} “No …”
- Bishop Gunkle: “Well get back out there, the shaman need to die before the sun goes down!”
{The ominous voice steps into the dismal light that still shines faintly through the church windows, revealing a black furred wolf-like demon with glowing blue fangs}
- Blue Fangs: “The sun … is ALREADY down!”
- Bishop Gunkle: “Y-You cannot be here! This is the house of the light!”
- Blue Fangs: “Tsch … The light is not here. This, is an empty box.”
- Bishop Gunkle: “The light is in ALL its churches!!”
- Blue Fangs: “Hah! Your lights love is not unconditional … It does not love us, and it does NOT love you.”
{The bishop begins to tremble, rattling the desk he stands before}
- Bishop Gunkle: “What!? No … My lifes work has been in the lights name!”
- Blue Fangs: “Your lifes work – makes the light puke void … But WE love you. We know that without you, we wouldn’t be here … This is all your fault, isn’t it!?”
- Bishop Gunkle: “She was a NECROMANCER!”
- Blue Fangs: “Lies!? In your house of light? … No wonder they have abandoned you.”
“But we … love you dearly. Let me … Kiss you!”
{Blue Fangs looks them in the eye with a snarling smirk and goes straight for the kill}
The Outcome:
The Warlock looks from the distance and turned to the sunset when the screaming of the Scarlet town finally stopped. They were eradicated.
Unlike most demons, the ones summoned understood and followed a decorum of honour at least; thus the warlock and the demons parted ways with one another surprisingly peacefully, once their pact was fulfilled — Yet these demons … Still roamed Azeroth.
And still do today.