WarCraft Needs an Animated Series

Just look at the link this is incredible! Did parts of Arthas storyline animated and it looks really good! It has the Castlevania look which is perfect!

Blizzard, try to bring this to life! Hopefully, Microsoft will bring it to life!


I’d love anything like this. I’m jealous Halo just got there’s. I’m surprised the hate it received for not following the halo lore, or maybe being a SL survivor I’m numb to retcons or alternate storylines.

It could be a series about Murlocks struggling for there control of a pond and I’d enjoy it even.


I’d honestly prefer Star craft over Warcraft

If only because of the insult the Warcraft movie was

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I wouldn’t mind something in the style of The Legend of Vox Machina. I’m not sure I’m allowed to say the name of the studio that worked on it here.

God bless Grog and his high Constitution

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After watching Castlevania and Dota on netflix, I’d watch the heck out of a WC animated series.


Listen, I’m with you on an animated series; however do you really want the current group of “Doctorial Candidates” working in the writing department anywhere near it?

Come on now, remember this is the same group who brought us Zovall being the mastermind of every single event since BEFORE Orcs and Humans.

Let’s not also forget that Zovall and pretty much all of the other Dieties from SL are apparently Space Robots over the established Pantheon of the Titans, but are still Space Robots, under the control of yet another group of unnamed, mysterious beings, and he was reshaping reality to protect the universe from this other bigger, badder, threat.

The funny part is, we already heard that EXACT same motivational story before except we heard it back in Wrath of the Lich King. The LK was trying to turn the whole living world into the Undead so he could protect them from the Void beings? Same motivation, different players, that’s it.

TLDR; Yes, but not if the current writing team would be doing the writing. Seriously, WHY THE HECK HASN’T STEVE DANHAUSER BEEN FIRED YET???!!


I’d so love to see an animated series, or even live action or mixed. Anything like that would be amazing.

I’d just not want to see them rehashing old lore. I’d be much more happy to see some characters and stories set in Azeroth, but outside the big lore storyline.

For one, we all know those stories already.

Further, anything made into a TV show will need to have a bit of creative wiggle room to make it a good story for TV, and any tweaking of the Arthas story or any of the other iconic stories will cause complete freakouts in the community.


As long as it’s new stories and the Broken Isles and Northrend TV Shows is in 3D(in the same vein as the Cinematic Trailers) while everything else(Pandaria, Outland, Draenor, Shadowlands, Dragon Isles, Zin Azshari, Zandalar, Kul’Tiras, Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor and the Elemental Planes) is a Cartoon.

Why should Broken Isles be 3D? So that we can have a proper 3D representation of the Nightmare’s Corruption(with a 3D flashback to the Sha Corruption in Pandaria when a Pandaren looks at it) and Suramar’s Arcane Elementals!


Remember the Warcraft movie?

They’ll do that to your animated series.


I find this kind of cartoon very uninspiring. Its jerky, doesnt match the dialogue to the features, its…dull. Surely in this age of high quality graphics we could turn out something better than this?

Now, if it could something like this…


There’s prettier moments in the show. I just thought this moment was funny.

They tried that once, it didn’t work out well.


I wouldn’t be jealous it isn’t that great tbh. Chief removing his helmet could be a thing in the show it’s just they did it too early.

I could see this happening’s and being successful under Amazon! They’re starting to become my favorite so far with LoV and Invincible series! I dont see Netflix doing something as big as WarCraft tbh after their decline this year.

It wouldn’t be them though, blizzard will allow one company to do this sort of animated tv series. The narrators of WoW have too much time on their hand.

I think it would be a sort of 2D/3D animation like some of the new gen anime out there. When its suppose to be huge point and all that.

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Blizzard already failed with the movie, so I don’t trust them with a series.

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I thought the movie wasn’t bad at all. It didn’t do super great in the USA but world wide it made big $$


“Because [Insert Movie Title Here] made a lot of money, doesn’t mean- ergo it’s good.”
-Mark Hamill

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Movie ticket sales is a large metric of measuring the success of a movie.
Mark Hamil can go back to silithis with the insect swarms.

To me Warcraft movie was good. Can’t change my mind.


I know people think they are helping but this is a really quick way to Valdihr a cease letter from Blizzard. If they would not let there be a voiced acted add on I doubt they are going to let someone make a whole anime for their Patreon.

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The Halo series is entertaining even though they don’t follow the lore perfectly (Looking at you Blessed One) Just think of it as an alternate universe set in the Halo franchise & you’ll enjoy it.

That’s fine that you like it, but don’t try to tell me a banana is an apple and expect me to agree with you.