Warcraft Movie

Is there any chance that a second warcraft movie will come out?

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The WC movie bombed in the US market. It seems that won’t be a 2nd WC movie anytime soon.

But I think making it a movie was a mistake, WoW isn’t mainstream enough to gain traction compared to LotR, GoT, or Harry Potter.

I think there should be an animated WoW series instead, not like the animated shorts Blizzard commissions in promotion for their upcoming xpacs, more like in the style of Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Though I am unsure if certain animation styles are copyrighted or not.


I think cold-introducing the Warcraft universe to the masses could’ve worked if they’d taken more time to lay everything out and set up the premise. Warcraft had 2-3 movies worth of story crammed into one and cut the introduction too short which is ok for existing fans, but sucks for anybody not already familiar.

The first film should’ve been half about the orcs’ encounter with the Burning Legion and the transformation of Draenor into Outland, with the remaining half being various fluff to introduce Azeroth’s cast of characters and explaining the Burning Legion’s coordination with Medivh, with the cliffhanger at the end being the opening of the Dark Portal. That would’ve given the audience ample time to grip what was going on, why the orcs are doing what they are, why they should care about any of this, and hopefully stir an appetite for following movies.

The other thing is problem was that the CG orc half of the movie looked and was acted incredibly well while the live action half aside from a couple of exceptions looked cheap and slipshod. They should’ve just went full CG.


Going by the first one (when I was a big WoW fan), my first thought upon the lights coming on at the end was “thank god that’s over”.

I sincerely hope they scrap the whole thing, and invent an original, well written ip instead.

Not anytime soon thats for sure, they should do a series instead.

they made a movie about orcs LMAO noone likes orcs. they shoulda did a movie recapturing the events of WOTLK. they would have made mad bank on that

doubt it.

it did bad in the US but did really good in china if i am not mistaken and with the whole thing with china going on rn even worse for them.

idk why they dont do like an animated thing with it i feel like a lot of people would actually watch an animated series over the movie. i went to see the movie in the theaters alone it was dead. about 10 people at most 1 was a group of 6 and i don’t think they even played the game

better chance of a Netflix cartoon like they have done with DOTA, Dragon Age Castlevania, etc., In fact Netflix has a bunch coming out soon including Bioshock, Assassins Creed, they just released Cyberpunk and many more. So the question is why not Warcraft, Starcraft, or Diablo? My guess is a combination of absurd licensing fee requested by Activision/Blizzard and a complete nonsensical story in those series. Warcraft’s plot looks like it was written by a ten year old who gave it to a nine year old to make whatever changes you want. Now I don’t blame them, it’s video game plot designed to make you move from point A to point B and does the job. As an actually story? Swords against Muskets and Tanks? Cavalry against airships with canons? Titans the size of a moon but I’ll take them down with my dagger and bow? WTF?

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I dunno, Netflix just cancelled Inside Job after one season and while the 2nd season was in production. Netflix does have a habit of cancelling a lot of shows before they grow. I worry if a WC, SC, or Diablo cartoon is greenlit, it would be cancelled after one season.

probably, the movie was awful and barely anyone watched it so I wouldn’t have high hopes for a Netflix Show but I would say they would be the favorite to air one.

For a movie, I think they should base one off the Warcraft novels that does not require a lot of outside knowledge of WoW lore to understand the story. IMO, Arthas: Rise of the Lich King would be a good choice

Most likely, they made a movie in the hopes of getting more revenue from non-WoW players, yet it flopped in the theaters. Critics hated the movie. I thought it was cool but I’m a WoW player. So no, I doubt they’ll make another movie but it’s possible.