Warcraft Movie Sequel Update (rumor's)

I think they’d be a lot better off with an animated show, as has been rumored to be happening for Overwatch.

Warcraft isn’t as tame with the fantasy elements as LotR. Makeup and CGI are gonna have to be on major steroids compared to what with PJ has previously worked with to bring the characters and places in this story to life. Far better to have it all done in 2D or 3D animation to keep the look consistent. I imagine it would be cheaper than live action and would probably allow for better/more faithful adaptations of most races. That would also allow most of the voices we know and love to return. I like Chris Pratt as much as the next guy, but him being…what Varian? Or Thrall? IDK about that one…

Imagine four episodes that covered WC1 or 2 to lead into it, like Castlevania, and then a whole series for WC3 and WoW. We know they have the talent, it’s just a matter of commitment.


I’m a fan of the movie we had but I think a Warcraft movie would benefit more from being animated and not trying to be a LOTR-esque epic and be it’s own thing.

And WoW writers themselves not acknowledging parts of races that make them more nuanced(house of nobles, the broken, etc.)


On the other hand the hyperfocus on building movies by casting actors before story proved to be the downfall of the Disney franchise in the period following “Aladdin”.

Doomhammer rose to power in WC1…

All that happened at the beginning of WC2 was that Gul’dan made Death Knights and established the Stormreaver Clan(only mentioned off-hand by the Novelization) while Doomhammer allied with the Forest Trolls and had the Dragonmaw enslave the Red Dragonflight.

For the Alliance at the beginning Lothar convinced the Rulers to create the Alliance and Archbishop Faol created the Paladins.

As for between all this and the Siege of Lordaeron: The Horde arrives at Quel’Thalas and can’t use Magic due to Magic Stones so Gul’dan uses Magic Stones to create Ogre Magi and at the same time Doomhammer allies with Alterac.

The siege of Lordaeron itself has Gul’dan take ships to the Broken Isles causing Doomhammer to send half of his army after him bringing about his own loss to the Alliance.

Doomhammer flees to Blackrock Mountain, kills Lothar then Turalyon bests him and Khadgar blows up the Dark Portal!

Is there anything else important?

Annihilate me on the spot, please, God.

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Honestly I think the first movie did a good enough job.

We could have used a sequel but we don’t need another reboot of that story.

However I would be interested in an animated story on warcraft legends. Expanding events in warcrafts past. The Troll wars. The three hammers war, WOTA, War of the sands, war with the Saytr, Orcs war of the Ogres, Trolls vs the night elf empire.

they’re is some interesting stuff that hasn’t really be touched by the story.


That’s my thinking as well. We don’t really need a second retelling of the story we just saw not even 5 years ago.


Of course they do. But making a CGI movie of the same quality as the wow cinematics would be too expensive. Even the ~3 min cinematics cost tens of millions of dollars. You asketh too much.

buddy cop murder mystery set in moonguard goldshire

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By all fairness and all reflection:

Can you really destinguishe a good and a bad actor by yourself? Really? I mean on a professional level?
Or isn’t it just framing from medias or critiques or some people who claim they can.

Can you really differentiate for example which one of the dwarves in the hobbit was a better actor? Their roles were so different that screentime and story is such a bigger factor.

People mistake characters with actors.

I am completely and 100% sure. Noone of us could objectively differentiate that.

Problem is we’re both just assuming here.
But sicne modern movies have budgets of like 200 millions I doubt it would cost that much. Or else every pixar movie would be impossible.

Once you have that movie engine set up, you basically do the same as you would developing a game. You create assets and then render them.
Sure it is a lot of work on a high lvl but filming a movie is aswell, especially since everything is now greenscreened anyway. So the whole world is allready CGI, what would be missing are the characters.

So no I doubt it would make much of a difference to be honest.

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Somehow, I doubt a XXX Warcraft movie is in the cards. At least, an official one, at any rate.


You must be a riot at parties.

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I take that as a no, you can’t.
I just dispise the whole celebrity culture as a whole and their fans. I despise that we pay them millions after millions ans teachers, scientists, paramedics firefighters, nurses etc get payed like crap.

No I am completely against that whole concept. One actor is like the other, completely disposeable and interchangeable.

Tommy Wiseau


Grommash Hellscream

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The movie industry is in serious trouble right now, though, with theaters being closed or limited in seating. They might not be willing to risk spending that much, at least not until things get better in that regard.

This seems a bit out of no where. What does this objective ability to distinguish bad actors have to do with a wholly different opinion about a proven good actor who exhibits qualities that would fit a role?

Patrick Stewart was like, the perfect Professor X. He could have been Magneto. Or an aging Sabertooth. He is a good actor. But he probably wouldn’t be a good Jubilee. Kelsey Grammer is a perfect Beast and Frasier, but he might not be a good Gambit.

As a kid in the 90s, if you asked me who should play Professor X and Beast, I would have said Patrick Stewart and Kelsey Grammer. I am so happy I got to see them in those roles, even if the films they were in weren’t exactly theatrical masterpieces.

On the flip side, a person may not be a “bad actor” in your “objective” sense… A person may be knighted for their stage work in England while earning a Razzie for being miscast in an American B Movie. With that in mind, an actor who has taken roles beyond their ability or is miscast could garner disdain from audiences.

Fine - your prerogative. I would counter by stating some societies pay little more than lip service to teachers and first responders. People cry about “the children” why decrying taxation or civil services for the poor. Some people praise firefighters while decrying safety regulations in high rise buildings that could save lives.

That has little to do with an actor doing good work that garners audiences and makes investment in the arts both worthwhile for investors and enriching to society.

He certainly has the hair for it.

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I might be a minority, but I’m going to make a case here for Jaina Proudmoore as the main character of a Warcraft-movie. Now first and foremost I think a Warcraft-movie needs to be at least over two hours closer to three hours long. You cannot put so much stuff into a 90 minute long thing.

Now the story would again be set during Warcraft 3. You can have a character like Antonidas, Uther or even Thrall drop some exposition about the background but generally you don’t need much: Orcs came from another world corrupted by demons, got defeated by an alliance of humans, dwarves, gnomes and elves and are now sitting in camps devoid of their bloodlust and essentially depressed. That’s it you don’t need anything else to get the story started.

The movie is split into three arcs:

Arc 1:

So, why would I now choose Jaina as the main character? Because, I personally think she is the perfect character to lay the groundwork for a larger universe and she can have a complete arc with a somewhat satisfying ending. To give a rundown:

Either the movie can start with the exodus of the Horde (meaning the very first scenes would be Thralls nightmare) which means Thrall and Medivh are introduced and give some exposition (you don’t need to know who Medivh is, it’s enough to introduce him as a powerful wizard) you can introduce someone like Grom and they sail away after some small battles and fighting.

Or you can start with Jaina traveling to Lordaeron in order to join the Kirin Tor in Dalaran meaning you introduce Lordaeron, Arthas, Terenas, the Kirin Tor and Antonidas and maybe Kael’Thas.

Arc 2

No matter how you start you can make some time skip scenes, and WC3 human campaign happens with focus on Jaina. Stratholme happens off-screen (or we have a scene with Jaina watching the burning city from afar while breaking down), and the Alliance exodus happens.

All arrive in Kalimdor at roughly the same time, maybe some small scale battle between Horde and Alliance is about to begin before Medivh sweeps in, unleashes the power of a guardian and stops the entire battle making an epic speech. We more or less skip Stonetalon and large parts of the orc campaign for the sake of shortening the movie. We are on a time limit after all.

And now the Scourge and the demons arrive. You introduce Archimonde as this all powerful demonic overlord behind everything, and all factions move to Ashenvale.

Arc 3

…where they talk right into a trap from the night elves with archers, ancients and Tyrande herself stopping them. However here we change things up: The whole Cenarius-subplot never happened and as such the night elves are not as hostile as in the original-timeline, and as such Thrall and Jaina are able to broker a deal with the night elves…especially since the undead arrive and a battle happens.

Together they wake up Malfurion, prepare the battle for Mount Hyjal and now several things happen. The showdown between Grom, Thrall and Mannoroth happens during the battle of Hyjal (Groms characterization can be changed when first introduced showing that he still struggles with his bloodlust), all while Jaina and Tyrande have an epic fight against demons, undead and all other sort of things.

And now wisps go boom, Archimonde explodes, last shot of united forces celebrating with Jaina, Thrall and Medivh slowly walks away making his famous last speech.

The End

And without many problems you can laid the groundwork. You can now make an Arthas movie, you can now make a Kael’Thas movie essentially you can go into any direction you want from this point because all the basics have been laid out.

This got longer than I wanted it to be. Oh, well.


I think the movies have to explain the world to an audience that doesn’t know it for it to have mass appeal. I honestly liked the first movie, but I could barely keep up, and I know wow lore. xD


I’d rather have a sequel to the first movie than a reboot. More time to explain that part of the story can only help, as opposed to jumping to a completely different location/characters/storyline.