Warcraft logs forum activity

Changed guilds, last guild apparently disbanded as well, but WarcraftLogs is still showing me with old guild after almost 1 month after the change. Just replying here in hopes that changes to the (much improved) guild I joined and updates my raid info over on WCL.


activity for a post

also activity for a post

also also activity for a post

I wonder if your new guild knows that you cannot even figure out the proper sub forum to post TBC stuff in.

Probably not as much as you seem to.

Also posting because I am currently unable to claim my character due to it picking up my old guild for whatever reason. And instructions are to like something using that character, however that didnā€™t seem to work or perhaps it takes some time to update. Anyways hopefully a comment & then giving it some time will do it.

Did you get it to work yet? Running into the exact same issue. Been in a new guild for about a month, tried liking a post like it said but it hasnā€™t worked, yet. Iā€™m assuming it just takes some time to update.

Still curious if yours updated & you were able to claim your character?

Edit: even on this (most recent) post, its showing my old guild still. This is after multiple likes & comments now. Perhaps it takes quite a bit longer than I expected?

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No, I have not had it update on WCL. Which Classic game we are responding to on the BNet forums doesnā€™t seem to have any impact as to whether WCL recognizing our characters (Iā€™ve tried posting/liking/responding in both Classic Era and TBCC), even though those are the instructions from WCL. The ā€œUpdateā€ link on WCL off to the right of your character name does not seem to have any bearing on updates.

It could be that WCL is not registering the new(er) guild due on my character as to not having had raided yet with them in new Phase 2. The guild has a severe overabundance of tanks, and I am not entirely finished with P2 SSC/TK attunements. I suspect once I complete a raid in P2, that WCL will then update my info.

As far as ā€œclaimingā€ your character, you need to have a few other things in place for that to happen on WCL (according to forums I read there).

  • Your guild rank has to be higher than Initiate (sometimes guilds set this threshold higher too). Sometimes guild will be able to give you a link to their WCL page for you to claim your character there, i.e. Auto-Join Code: 123456/cxJTaZP7.
  • You have to be able to claim your character from the guild part of the WCL website (i.e., you can see my name in the roster of my guildā€™s WCL page here (https:// classic .warcraftlogs .com/guild/id/509135/) )
  • You have to be actively raiding in your guild and upload at least personal logs to WCL for WCL to register you

Yeah I make all the requirements except that my guild still isnā€™t updated even now on the forums as I post. The current guild it shows (Lofi) is almost two months old and its been 3+ days since I originally posted. At first I thought okay maybe it takes a couple hours, then I figured alright maybe once every 24 hours but its been 3 days and Iā€™m getting a bit concerned. A buddy told me changing his password forced it to update but I havenā€™t tried yet

Have you tried posting this in the general forum, or you knowā€¦ the TBC forum?

does this work

Why not! at this pointā€¦

Mine has finally updated after almost a week and I have successfully claimed/imported my character to warcraftlogs

I am quite certain that all players in this not tbc forum section value the update on your tbc parse nanny program.

Iā€™m not sure if you have to do this to claim your wcl character

Do what, the spamming the wrong forum part?

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