Posting so I can have activity for Warcraft logs
huh? Why do you need to do that? Is there some requirement I don’t know about?
Just to stop others from doing this, simply selecting your character as the active one creates forum activity for it. You don’t have to post.
same. this is so stupid why do i have to post.
Before filling out the form above, make sure your Blizzard forum activity has been created for the character you’re trying to claim. In order to create a forum activity page for your character, you need to go to the Blizzard forums and select your character. That’s it! You do not have to make a post.
In fact, the CREATOR of warcraftlogs posted above you and said the same thing. You bumped a thread and didn’t read the website or the post from the creator.
Posting for Warcraftlogs!
A WoW celebrity
Poting for warcruft loggers
posting for activity
posting for activity
You’re a bad person and you should feel bad.
If Santa Claus gave presents out for niceness in reading you’d get a lump of coal
Doing the same
Why? You don’t need to. I have logs for my druid and I’ve never commented on the forums with it.
Because they’re bad at following instructions and/or reading.
yeah same, posting for the logs
Nobody knows how to follow basic instructions and this shows… it’s not required to post to get access on WCL… it’s been posted on website and these forums
Please reread
posting for my level 21 stockades logs, need 100 parse
For all of the folks saying that you don’t need to post…They’re likely having trouble getting WL to recognize your chosen character. I can’t get it to recognize my chosen toon, which of course belongs to a guild. It’s saying my character doesn’t belong to a guild, and that I have to refresh the history by “liking” or logging on, etc. None of that seems to matter. I’ve done all of the suggested things and am still not being allowed to “claim” a character.
posting for warcraft logs
What that guy said… WCL says I’m without guild and alone… so can’t claim myself… Any work arounds?