Warcraft logs forum activity

posting for activity c:

I am also here to update my status

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I am posting to be active too

Posting to be active

Posting for the third time in 3 days to be active. It isn’t working :frowning:

Doesn’t show my guild. I’ve been in a guild for weeks.

It literally never says anything about posting…

  • This character’s guild, , could not be found on Warcraft Logs. You will need to create the guild on Warcraft Logs in order to claim the character. It could also be the guild name is spelled differently on Warcraft Logs. The guild names must match exactly. If the guild we found is not your current guild, then go to the Blizzard forums and like a forum post using this character to get your guild information refreshed.

you don’t but sometimes you do apparently

Doing the same. Testing posting to active account

post for activity.

post for activity :open_mouth:

I thought I didn’t but I do

same here, thanks.

posting for activity wheee

Posting for activity. Not sure why its showing level 62

posting for logs

posting for logs

poggers for the loggers

Thanks for the post :upside_down_face:

Have to get that claim for logs XD

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