Warcraft has lost its way

All me and others have said is that the lore, has always been paper thin, and shallow and that for most people, it’s not what actually keeps them playing. But for some reason, that’s a huge problem for some people.

I love talking about the lore. As it currently stands. It’s just how I roll.

I agree. That’s where WoW has always shined the best truthfully. When we were just adventurers doing our own thing, where some killed elemental lords, others were crafters, etc.

Dragonflight is simply letting the PLAYERS tell their own stories again and for some reason, certain people have taken a issue with that. And that’s fine, I get it. I do. But we the players are in the driver seat of our own stories again and people should honestly be happy about

No you don’t. Which is why you deflect to “the lore was always garbage, and most people don’t care about anything beyond mechanical play”. Or make super vague allusions about “loving the World/Setting”, without explaining what you mean. And “well, I’m having fun mechanically and RPing, so it doesn’t matter to me … it shouldn’t matter to you”.

Like, here’s a thought. Not EVERY RPer likes nearly empty sandboxes to RP in. Where the setting is just a flimsy platform you can do whatever you want with. Some, like me, like a bit of structure. Creating characters in relation to the world they’re diving into, rather than twisting the world to create those characters. The world isn’t a platform for that character, its a inherent part of that character and their journey. So, the investment is in the world just as much as the character itself. They’re not independent of one another.

As a consequence, its nice to have a bit of stability in a setting … rather than praying that Blizz won’t arbitrarily retcon elements of the setting you like the next expac; purely to push out the next bit of mechanical, for (as you said) players who don’t give the slightest damned about the story, world, or lore. Which, I suppose matches the current Dev’s writing philosophy. The WORLD of Warcraft is not a World to tell stories in anymore, its a merely Platform to tell OUR stories and OUR visions we want to tell.

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Are you going to actually DISCUSS the lore or just incessantly complain how much you hate it? Because truthfully, that’s all you been doing lately.

Come back when you want to discuss the lore and the the LAST TIME stop telling me what I want to do or what I mean, it’s really annoying habit of yours.

Are you going to do anything but deflect to how the Lore doesn’t matter and it was always garbage if I do? Or does “discussing lore” only count when its universally positive and fawning over DF?

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You got something to discuss? Yes or no?

Looks like Micah claimed another victim tonight.

Keep being a sad little man

Alas i was baited, but shes on ignore for now.

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I just don’t find sniping at each other very productive. I am weird that way.

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It’s not productive. They attack me, but somehow I’m the bad guy. I’m honestly tired of people blaming their bad behavior on me,

Beta going to ignore me because he flailed like a child and attacked ME but somehow I’m the horrible one for being honest

It’s really pathetic. I feel bad for them.

That assumes both parties are having a discussion in good faith.
Unfortunaly that isn’t case here so you got to treat them how they treat others… a more fight fire with fire kind of approach if you will.

Lol k.

Deflect, deflect, deflect. That’s all you do. I’ve discussed lore plenty. DF is VERY safe, but ultimately very shallow. Even by WoW’s standards.

Some of the Black Dragonflight politics is fun, until you realize how “selective” the story is being with Wrathion’s contributions to the world. Because he’s a writers pet. The Blue Dragonflight is always a gem, and constantly have the best stories. Shame their good, but sad, story from Legion had its legs cut out from under it due to retcons, and can no longer stand. Chromie is always a joy. Not her flight, just Chromie. The Bronze flight remains the least developed. As does their DF zone. The Red and the Green are as boring as they always are.

Outside of that? Tuskar are great. Have no clue how the hell they worship Gral, or how the hell Gral could freely access the DIs the Dragons lost (score another one for the Loa constantly being the best demigod like beings in this setting). Centaur retcon adds nothing, because it adds nothing to the story and lore of those plains people themselves. The Primalists are … discount Twilight Hammer, but somehow make less sense; and any nuance they might have had died with Rasz. Now that Blizz has a vengeance hook for the other 3 to play on.


So sad and immature

This is the part where Micah needs someone to come in with some positivity or tell him “no you are ok :heart:

Then we get some cringy validation statements from Micah like huuuuug or uwu or some other thing.
Where everyone else sucks except this one person that gave the positive validation. And how they are his favorite poster and etc and etc.

This used to be Ren’s job but she was fired by Micah last quarter so now I am super curious who will take up the mantle.

I “win” because you deflected again.

I talked lore, liked you asked. I also talked lore in quite a few of the other posts prior to that. Either the effects of a quicksand philosophy for retcons has on lore and worldbuilding. Or how artificial and corporate the “Diverse Cooperation” of the people in DF feels on many levels, because so much of what made them diverse has been stripped from them. They SHOULD get along, they’ve been homogenized. You ignored discussing all that.

“Talking Lore” seems to only count if its positive with you, and the reason so many are going after you is because your motives for being in the story forum seems less “discuss the story”, and more “defend the game I like, from ANY criticism. Even in areas of the game I don’t actually care about myself”. Which is why when pushed on criticism of lore, you’ve regularly deflected to “mechanical gameplay” and “most players don’t care”.

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You never do care Micah! Its just about getting into arguments until you get some validation.

I look forward to the next one. :grin:

Nothing about DF’s story has really blown me away, but it has not been so awful that it makes me divest or actively hate it (that is a hugely positive change in direction by itself). Still, this expansion is exactly what the playerbase has largely been begging for from Blizzard, and for once they actually gave them what they wanted without too much of the usual monkey paw business.

Want a break from the cosmic war nonsense? Check. Angry dragons and angry elementalists.

Want a return to usual adventure fare? Check. Explorers and angry dragons.

Want a return to Azerothian themes? Check. Titans, Aspects, and angry dragons.

Want a break from faction conflict? Check. Time skip and getting along to fight angry dragons.

Toss in that they have attempted to meaningfully address the long standing player grievances with mission tables, bloated systems, borrowed power, open world limitations, alt-unfriendly design, etc. and you’ve got what might be the first expansion in the history of the game that was actually designed around specific player grievances instead of in spite of them.

Having said all of that, the people responsible for SL are still writing the scripts, but the fact that someone managed to beggar or throw enough money at Chris Metzen to get him roped back in means they probably understand that things have gone poorly. All of which makes me think Dragonflight is going to be deliberately isolated from much of the stories beyond the Dragon Isles until they find a path forward that isn’t dead on arrival.