Warcraft has lost its way

I don’t think it’s even tied to politics, necessarily. Usually “Disneyfied” translates as “insufficiently edgy for my taste.”


That’s a possibility. But from personal experience, every person I’ve seen use it, have all been conservatives, and not the middle of the road kind.

But I’ll give you that, that the other term is also likely

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I am going to Disney-fy the Smurfs.

Because I just want to watch the world burn.


Lots and lots smurfs. We’ll smurf ‘em all under so many smurfs, that the world will cry out in smurfing noises

Maybe I should de-Disney-fy the Smurfs.

Some smurfin’ smurfers gonna get their smurf smurfed so hard, they’ll be smurfing smurfs all smurfing week!!!

Don’t smurf with me, smurf.


I think that this is not a good idea after BFA, especially because the narratives would actually require consequences, but they always fail to deliver such an narrative…

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Bullet barrages….lots and lots of bullet barrages and Multi shots combined with a murderous army of fluffy friends.

This is how we end the world :rofl:

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Mainly because it’s a two faction MMO. You can’t really punish one side too harshly if blizz wants to keep them as paying customers

This also means that you cannot take actions that would cause such consequences.

It is not a one-way street.

Because you create a scenario in which you kick one paying customer so hardly in the face that the only saving grace is “maybe the other part gets its too” …


True, and that is exactly why I am so glad this expansion has left the faction stuff behind for the time being.

It’s tiring to have deal with both ends of the nonsense

the issue is…you can not move on by simply ignore the elephant in the room, and that is still bfa/SL…it brokes so much porzelan that you need a complete rebuild and thereby make all the characters that should somehow actually be related to it seem inconsistent…when everything that happened and should be between them is simply ignored.

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Nobody is ignoring anything though. That’s the false narrative you and others keep making.

The souls were saved in SL, the seed than empowered by said souls because THEY CHOSE TO and now the Kaldorei are getting a new home this expansion, what more do you want beside the total annihilation of the horde?

Perhaps the clear presentation of the consequences? Really consequences?

  • Reperation payments for reconstruction
  • Assurances that an attack is made impossible
  • Limitation of the Horde military in size and equipment.

The council is already the new government.

I mean…these is no “total Annihilation” bs you allways say, even you know that my position is not the total annihilation of a faction, but that consequences are visible.

Again dude. Two faction game. Those are impossible with PLAYERS playing the horde. You can not gut a playable faction and expect the players to believe said faction is still viable within the story

Why the concept is hard for some y’all is beyond me

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They have built up an expectation of tit for tat, which means they cannot really do real punishment. I will give them props for not forgetting the Kaldorei should be generally cross with everyone except the Gilneans, at least. In the past they have simply pretended everything was totally OK. Right now relations between the Kaldorei and Alliance are pretty bad, as it really should be tbh.


I dunno.

Dragonflight sure feels like some serious moving on while ignoring BfA and SL.


While I’m not disagreeing with you, if it’s not meant to be a challenge to serious authors, why are they putting in serious themes? Ones that - based on their output - I doubt they’re qualified to explore.

Funny how punishing players only really becomes a rallying cry when its happening to Horde players.

Dont bother responding though Micah, i was just making an observation on your bad faith arguments.

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You two are more brave than me for saying this, but i am glad someone did.

If you want to faction conflict learn to PvP.