Warcraft has lost its way

And you seem like a person that pretends that Alliance issues should be fixed or addressed but what little bread crumbs we get constantly gets only one response from you.

How much more do you want. You got enough. Shut up and be happy.
You asked how much should be addressed to the Alliance players and I said for as many time as they got canonically injured and you view this as unjust.


The Nohkud take us in because we are basically ambassadors for the dragons. We even bring them a peace offering from the Reds. Really I’ve gotten tired of dealing with every other “monster” race that sees someone strange and goes all “Unga Bunga! Die invader”. These new centaur aren’t overly buddy buddy either but they are at least tolerant and want to honor old alliances with the dragons(mainly the green but whatever). They see that we can be of use to them without going straight to violence which is a refreshing change of pace.

I enjoyed interacting with the centaur and their culture but not so much the main story itself. The Nohkud felt too much like the Bloodtotem. All the tribes on Highmountain were more or less getting a long but one tribe that’s really really into fighting goes rogue and turns against their traditions, all the while practicing dangerous magics.

It feels like blizz is becoming repetitive in their writing. BFA was basically MoP 2.0. The Venythr storyline had some similarities to the Suramar campaign from legion and now this.

Also I’m not blind to the sort of story telling this expansion is going with. It is a change of pace from the endless war that we’ve been dealing with. The past three expansions have been heavy on the doom and gloom and blizzard is actually attempting to be more light hearted
at least for now. A lot of the questing and characters in this expansion are written in a very safe manner which can be boring to some players who are accustom to fighting off the opposing faction, demons, undead and titans-know-what else.

The way I see it is that this is a kin to a semi vacation without some ominous shadow of another Jailor-esque big bad looming over the horizon. Shadowlands was also very heavy on new lore which a lot of it was just didn’t click with a lot of people so sticking with what is safe and familiar for a time being feels like the better move.

It’s just that you keep insisting we’re not unhappy enough, and you don’t believe us when we say we are.

What I hear is “The only thing that makes me happy is making Horde players unhappy, and I want the Horde players to be hurt as many times as I have been hurt.”


Neither of the factions have proven to be worthy of player respect. One is a sanctimonious doormat, the other an edgy puppy-kicker. This was only made worse as Blizzard moved the faction leaders took center stage and expected the players to care about their cheesy attempt at a Marvel story.

TBH unless you are a “die-hard” Warcraft fan, the factions have no purpose other than to deny you half the player races at the loading screen, and separating you from friends.


At this point? The factions, as said, the factions are a complete joke and I won’t shed a tear if blizz does eventually tear down the barrier between both of them to allow us to play with our friends on the other side.

It’s why from a roleplay perspective, my Panda is not horde. In fact, everything he does, he does to protect Pandaria and Pandaria alone. That’s how sad it is

The Factions weren’t even as big of a deal as the die-hards think they were back in 2004 when the game kicked off. A lot of players at the time joined up because of all the advertisement leaflets in their box of Warcraft 3. Even PvP was a joke for most of Vanilla’s lifetime, the game launched without BG’s. This why so much of the Horde playerbase didn’t drink the “horde=bad” kool-aid.

It wasn’t until Mid or late Wrath when Blizzard started showcasing faction leaders, marched Garrosh and Varian into the spotlight, and had a controversial BlizzCon all about “bringing War back into Warcraft.” And thus we saw that a “good” faction war story is well beyond Blizzard’s ability to write.


I have said for everytime the Alliance has been injured by the Horde then they should be addressed in the story rather than ignored and forgotten besides being a point thats being brought up about how we lost this and that.

If you don’t enjoy being called evil in the game what makes you think I enjoy Tyrande uselessly crying about the same thing?

Here is the gist of it, you view the Alliance getting their issues resolved as a net negative and so you are quite happy with the arrangement. Makes sense.

That’s how I joined ironically enough. People were more into the world back than and not this whole Alliance deserve this or that or Horde should be punished every expansion because the devs have played fast and loose with the lore

It’s exhausting honestly. Dragonflight is starting off pretty well, but some people still can’t let the faction conflict go

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Little tip since I haven’t been here in a long time about Small. Small does not care about the things that the Horde has lost through these bouts of deranged plot-device, but both cares deeply about the things the Alliance has lost 
 and has convinced himself that the general Horde playerbase loved taking them from him. Thus, it all comes down to “Net Negatives” and “Net Positives”, but through an extremely biased lens.

The things that the Horde have lost: Characters, Racial Identities, Faction Identity, Pride 
 don’t count, because he found no value in them in the first place. The things the Alliance have lost: Population #s, Locations, and Pride, have all the value to him in the world 
 so the Horde players MUST have found value in them too; and enjoyed being forced to take them from the Alliance. Thus, the Horde is in a state of “Net Positive” and the Alliance in a state of “Net Negative”. Rather than both in states of Net Negative. Just in different ways.


I love how despite telling people my points and purpose people just make up their own nonsense.

The Horde committed crimes against Alliance. The leaders that committed those acts are still around. Not only that they are now good people that Alliance should get along with.

So if that is the intended story path the Horde must answer for those crimes.
Some prefer a more punitive approach, some prefer a more recounciliatory content that makes the Horde appear more than savage unthinking monsters to the Alliance because thats ALL the horde has been to the Alliance.

Otherwise let the Alliance treat them as monsters because any sort of apology or humanity from the Horde is apparently a punishment. You guys seem to want that, not me.

I think I’d be disappointed to see if the factions ever dissolved on a story level. Gameplay, of course, cross-faction grouping is a good thing. But I still like the visual aspects of the horde’s more monstrous races being their own thing sometimes, without the involvement of alliance ones.

It already sucks for me to see visaged horde dracthyr NPCs around Orgrimmar. I wouldn’t want that accelerated either.

Which leaders? Of the four Architects of the WoT (other than the writers) 3 are dead, or I guess whatever the hell Sylvanas is. Wix is in the wind, so if you want him you can have him. The only Main Race racial leaders the Horde have left are the ones who Blizz deliberately kept as uninvolved in that nonsense as possible; Baine and Lor’themar. Same goes for the only Allied Race Racial Leaders, Thalyssra and Mayla. The other current leaders we have weren’t actual Horde Racial Leaders during the WoT period.

Unless you’re taking the stance that any character of note active during the 4th War needs to be removed for you to get your “Net Positive”. Which, yeah, you know exactly what that would mean in such a often Character Driven game. You can’t remove the Horde entirely from “your game”, so you’ll settle for complete “narrative sterility”.

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Every single Horde leader that participated in BFA and followed Sylvanas is guilty.
They knew about WoT, still joined Sylvanas and the Horde anyway. There is no excuse for the Horde’s or these character’s actions. If you some I would love to hear it.

I am taking the stance that IF the Horde leaders want to have a good relationship with the Alliance leaders
 like being invited to a wedding and actually attending then the Horde characters need to answer for their crimes and make amends.

Spare me your strawman arguments and lies, Until blizzard actually world builds for why the Alliance and Horde should get along then there should be none of it.
Horde can be in the narrative, I don’t care but not as allies or friends or anything to be regarded besides villains by the Alliance because the Horde has done ZERO to alleviate this.
Its not about net positives and or net negatives where I take joy because you lost something, thats how you think. Not me, so don’t project that on me.

What I am saying is if you and Blizzard want the Alliance and Horde to get along as friends then actually world build for it. And that involves for EVERYTHING that has happened so far.
Yes this includes the purge and the great tragedy of taurajo in case you are wondering, I am more of a fan of talking things out than lining people against the wall to be shot. But interpret however you want what you think “addressing” means.

I think the Horde is more than their crimes against the Alliance should be given the opportunity to for once in their entire history do something positive for the victims they hurt rather than plan the next attack. But y’all see that as a punishment. Whatever, I tried but there are too many edgy fanboys in the Horde playerbase to want anything different

Edit: To further clarify I mean the Horde as the faction and its significant NPCs, I don’t care nor think should the Horde players be forced to do dailies they don’t want as some way of apology. That is just dumb.

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I don’t care about the two factions being friends, and I didn’t bring up Taraujo. You did. I’d say things are square on that. Truly, its dumb when people fixate on that.

But I do see punishment, because your entire point here is: Remove every Horde character involved in the entirety of BfA. Not sure how that works with PCs. And you know what that means on a narrative level. The functional removal of the Horde from WoW’s story, even if Mechanically it will still be there. Reduce them to zero. The Horde will never again find any relevance in this game. Its players can play and pay for the game mechanically, but they will always be optional in the Alliance Player’s game.

I am all aboard “making amends” with the Alliance. But essentially becoming the optional side kick to the Alliance while stripping us of any representatives that might give us any personal relevance to those events? Yeah, we have far too much of that already. Over a decade of Blizz using the Faction as a Worthless, Convenient, Plot Device they feel way too free to do anything they wanted with; while never rebuilding it or its characters.

Because its been brought up here before.
“If horde has to apologize for X then Alliance has to apologize for Taurajo” I wanted you to be sure this is not one sided.

Do you read what I have said? Literally nothing I said says all the Horde characters must be removed. Stop lying.
What I am saying would actually involve the Horde more and in more positive and sympathetic lighting but seeing the Horde as anything but an angry killing machine is apparently removing the Horde from the story :roll_eyes:

Lol no you aren’t. All you have been doing is lying and making strawmen for why the Horde cannot be anything but villains to the alliance and their ever present killers.

Here is my advice to you. Actually read and understand what is being said to you rather than make up nonsense and strawmen argument to why you want things your way.

And who keeps strawmanning with these sorts of comments? “Every single Horde leader that participated in BFA is Guilty” and “The horde leaders that committed those acts are still around”. Seems to me that you have issues with the Horde leadership that still exists, and when I mentioned that only 4 of its current leadership were actually leaders during the War of Thornes period; you extended it to ALL of the 4th War.

And you keep talking about “Amends”, but what exactly do you mean by this? Because you’re right, Blizz has taken absurd shortcuts and took the lazy way out; but it is largely what the Horde has been doing since the end of BfA. Even if you’re right, its not nearly enough. But, lets be fair, nothing ever would be. Blizz took things way too far with their favorite nonsensical Plot-Device excuse of a Faction, and they know it.

What you’re asking for would require 3 things that Blizzard seems incapable of on a grander level. Competent storytelling on the Meta Level; a focus on the Old World beyond the newest random expac island; and seeing and writing the Horde as an actual Faction again for the first time in over a decade, rather than just a convenient plot device they can smash things with; then shelve and ignore when there’s other things to do the smashing. Just like all of BfA and SLs, the issue of amends is a Blizzard writing issue, not really a Horde issue.

I genuinely wonder sometimes how much business Blizzard would actually lose if they started trying to write
I dunno, an actual story, instead of constantly making excuses to maintain the Horde and Alliance as they are so that some assortment of rabid fans don’t have their feelings hurt.


The super rabid fans on both sides seem to be few in numbers. They probably wouldn’t loose that many people overall

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Honestly i think getting rid of the factions would do more good than harm to the game. Factions haven’t been essential to the game since Warcraft 2. WoW has evolved beyond them.

All they’ve done for WoW is sprinkle an American-sized helping of toxicity into the community.

Lets be real, every expansion that focused on the factions led to a huge sub loss. The game would be better without those people.


Expacs like DF is what people remember and love the most about WoW. It’s the WORLD most of us love, not the factions themselves.

It’s why people have been mostly supportive and suprised how good this expac started off