Warcraft Citybuilder with RTS elements

I just had an off the wall idea for a new Warcraft game.

In Warcraft 3 when I was young I loved just opening a map with no opponents on it and building my little city, exploring the map and clearing out all of the various creep camps and such.

I would love to see a city-builder focused on this type of gameplay where the primary focus is on city building elements like maintaining production, adapting to the elements and keeping your populace happy. But a major part of the game is building units to explore the map, and gather rare resources, make deals with traders/mercenaries and defend your city from raiders/invaders.

What do you think? Would you be interested?

check out Against the Storm, on sale now on STEAM

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Against the Storm is really good and I do like it quite a bit, it is a fair bit different from this idea though.