Warcraft 3 Reforged Character Models on Next Expansion?

Is it technically possible? Please tell me yes. Sorry if posted already, but I just saw these on Wowhead, they’re looking amazing. Even the Pandaren one - and I hate their cute,fluffy models currently. Seriously just look at those badass, angry looking Pandas.

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I love the new Orc Peon models, they have such adorable eyes :grin:

Something need doing?


Technically possible? Yes. Likely? No.

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Warcraft is honestly not the same art style as WoW. They have similarities for very obvious reasons, but it would be incredibly out of place to take those models and put them into WoW.

Dam what are those peons eating?

I love the silk outfits the Pandaren are wearing.

I would REALLY love if the Lunar Festival got some new, high res, outfits with a more silky look like the WCIII Reforged Pandaren.

What does any Orc eat? Pork.

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I fixed that for you. It’s a common misconception that they eat pork since they have pig farms but they truth is that the pigs are only there to help them find good rocks.


Wait does that mean Orc shaman eat the earth elementals they summon?

Ragnar Os is what they eat, thyre great

Don’t be silly. That’d be like eating your dog.

They eat other peoples’ elementals.


i love it.
and i will be playing it when it comes out…

Also, anyone think the orc peon looks similar too warhammer orcs?

Short answer: no, it isn’t.

WC3 models are designed to be fixed and have relatively few animations - maybe a dozen, or two at the outside. WoW models have to be mutable, with different faces, hairs, weapons and armor, etc. and have many times more animations.