Warbound Profession Talents

I honestly think we need to just have profession talents be warbound, since warbands are an option.

Gathering Professions - As of right now my main (the one I am posting on) is a Blacksmith and Enchanter. All my BS mats come from my alts that I turned into Miners. I do have a “primary” miner, but having his skills don’t help my alts I am also leveling. So I have to level every miner through to the point of being able to mine while mounted, but if the profession was warbound, then every alt could mine while mounted. They would all get the benefits of mining specific nodes, and so on. Getting talent points items while mining on a secondary mining alt feels like a giant waste of time since it doesn’t actually help in the grand scheme of things. ALL my gatherers end up worse in the end unless I limit the amounts of characters I play, which is the opposite of what Blizzard seems to pushing us toward.

Enchanting - Material costs are just stupid. My chest isn’t enchanted right now since it takes 75 dust (and other mats) to do one. And how much dust do I get from disenchanting on an alt? 1. A single dust from an alt. Gets no benefits from my main for that. You know how much I just got from 2 DEs on my main? 6 total. And that was from current expansion WQs. I would be out there DEing more, but my quest rewards are different from my alts because I assume my item level is too high maybe?

I go on an alt and in one zone I may have 4 WQs with green item rewards, I go on my main, and MAYBE 1 is an item and the rest are reputation rewards (which I’m maxed with all of them and don’t really care about farming beyond-rep chests since I’d rather just level alts or do something else). But I can’t send those green rewards to my main since they are soulbound. So I ended up getting rid of a lot of gathering professions on alts simply to have enchanting and tailoring so they can DE their soulbound greens and mail my BoEs to my main and so I can actually have cloth to send to my primary tailor.

This whole system needs an overhaul. It’s ridiculous at this point.

And on top of the cost of 75 dust for a single enchant, and getting scraps for dust, I tried going to the AH and the prices of a single dust are stupid high BECAUSE they are so rare now.

Making professions warbound would have no drawbacks that I can personally think of. Those little world items that raise your skill the one time you find them would also be made warbound so if one character picks it up and uses it, you can’t do it on anyone else. So it’s not like having an army of alts can pick up the couple items in Dorn and max it all out quickly. But it would also mean I don’t need to use an army of alts to get all those stupid items every single time to barely make a dent in each of their individual trees.

EDIT - Deleted edit and reposted it as its own suggestion.

Let me get out all my eloquence and empathy for an answer to this well thought out post: Not gonna happen.

It would be full of that goody QoL that we all dream about and save time sure… Only blizz does not want you to save time, wants you to spend time in there game actually. If you save time, you may have time to go play other games than blizz’s games and maybe decide to unsubscribe cause you like to spend time there instead of in WoW. Blizz can’t have that.

Soooo sharpen that knife/sickle/pickaxe on the alt army and get that KP!

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Friend, there’s so many things in this post! I feel like you might get better feedback from other players if:

  1. You limit your post to just one topic or suggestion
  2. Rather than assuming blizzards design is bad and doesn’t work, consider asking others how they are dealing with the difficulty you are having. This will have the effect that the forum observers will see "hey players are having trouble with this* AND you might get some tips on how to solve your problem.
    Happy crafting!

It IS one topic or suggestion. Make profession talents warbound. I gave some extra information of issues that are popping up because they are not warbound.

Prior to the last couple expansions and having these weird skill trees for professions, it wasn’t that difficult to just go gather stuff on alts while leveling them and funneling it to mains. Now if you want to gather, it needs to be on your primary gatherers only, or else it is a waste of time.

I guess the edit at the end could be a different topic, so I can go ahead and make a new post for that. It was an afterthought when I edited it.

Why would this be necessary. You make a character, pick their professions and advance their talent trees. All of your characters have access to your Warbank so any materials farmed or BoE items created can now be shared with the rest of your roster via the Warbank. You no longer needto have multiple characters with overlapping professions unless you want to.

The only thing that really needs to be done in regards to warbands and professions is Warband crafting orders.

None of it is “necessary”. Neither was Warbands. But it’s a nice helpful addition to the game for those of us with an army of alts.

Do you enjoy having to re-level your gathering professions to allow each one to gather while mounted? How about learning not to damage uncovered Null Stones while gathering? It’d be nice if it wasn’t just my primary gatherer that was forced to farm these since he’s the only one with skill high enough for it (which is a lie, since NONE of my miners can do that since as I’ve leveled them, my focus is always to be able to gather while mounted anyway). Or being able to do Skinning for specific materials only on one character, etc.

This isn’t like asking to level all my Warriors at the same time. And it’s not about the crafting professions since yeah, you don’t need to have overlapping crafters. But having overlapping gatherers would be SUPER convenient. Hell, even an Enchanter (which is both a gatherer and a crafter) it would be helpful simply due to an entire skill tab being dedicated to disenchanting, which is the reason I made this suggestion in the first place. My main can get a lot more materials than any of my alts. But I had to turn all my non-primary alts into enchanters simply because of the minimal materials I get from my main is not enough for a chest enchant that costs 75 dust (and other materials). And then I will also need to level those alts through the disenchanting tree to make it worth anything.

If you already have a gatherer maxed, why would you want or need to level another one?

I’ve got an alliance and a horde druid herb/miners, and ever since Warbands became a thing I literally haven’t touched my Alliance druid. My Horde one was the better geared plus is a HM Tauren so is my primary fishing toon as well.

Why would I bother even skilling up (much less leveling) a 2nd miner when I already have one well progressed and talented out for farming optimization?

You literally do not need to make multiple characters with overlapping gathering professions any more unless you just want to for whatever reason, since with the warbank it makes anything farmed on that one character available for use on every other character on my account.

Also if for some insane random reason I did decide to spec up a 2nd herbalist or miner, the gathering professions have a massive advantage over the crafting professions in that their catchup points. They are literally unrestricted and not gated like the crafting ones are behind patron orders. You can spend literally 1 gaming session of a couple of hours and get any herbalist or miner up to max points available while doing what their intended purpose is, farming mats. The same applies for Enchanting and Skinning.

Not sure why you’re just ignoring the fact that Warbands and the Warbank has made it so you literally do not need to have multiple gatherers wit the same gathering profession any more.

Frankly, once progression fully kicks and people start fully maxing their entire talent trees, there’s not going to be a need to have multiple characters with the same crafting professions unless you just want extra CD’s (like duskweave and dawnweave). The only exception is making your own profession tools for other characters since there’s still the faction wall in place for crafting orders for some dumb reason and they haven’t added a Warband option like the guild one for crafting orders. But for those you can just participate in the “normal” economy and find someone to craft them for you.

Let’s cut through the wall of text and boil it down to the logical conclusion.

OP’s proposal can only be implemented as “give all characters all professions at will.”

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That’s not at all what I said.

A Blacksmith/Enchanter (like my main) will not also be a Skinner and also an Herbalist. Sure, if I want to change from an Enchanter into an Alchemist, it will then take on however high I’ve worked Alchemy on my account, but it doesn’t automatically max it out if I haven’t maxed it out elsewhere.

If you already have a gatherer maxed, why would you want or need to level another one?

Umm, because I have over 30 alts at level 70+ and I want to gather while I level my alts as well? I used to be able to just gather on an alt, not worry about a whole profession talent tree. But now if I am gathering on an alt, it just means being worse at gathering across the board since I am splitting my time among all my alts.