Warbound Bank Deleted My Items

I purchased 5 Awakened Equipment chests and when I pressed “deposit warbound items” at the warbound bank they were all deleted. There is just 5 empty squares in the bank where they are supposed to be.


same thing happened to me on a larger scale, i had about 15 newly purchased 480 gear that just completely disappeared after using the deposit all items button.

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Same thing happened to me.
I have 3 toons that I’ve been running the radiant echoes event on. I tried to consolidate the memories in my warbank so I could create the essences. I deposited 3 stacks from my first toon. When I logged into my 2nd toon to deposit the 3 stacks she had, 1 of the stacks my previous toon deposited was missing. When I logged into my 3rd account, exact same thing - only 2 of the stacks were present but a different one deleted this time.

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Update: It turns out the items were not deleted, but were not visible. I think the “Unique (20)” is causing the issue.
I believe that if the # in the warband bank + the personal inventory of the toon looking in the bank > 20, then the toon is unable to see the items in the warband bank. I logged into a new toon just now who had 0 memories and I was able to see the previously missing stacks (they were greyed out at first).

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I just posted this in another bug report with a similar issue, but posting here for visibility.

TL;DR If you put something in the same slot as an “invisible” item, the “invisible” item will be deleted.

I’ve only noticed this happening with Unique or Unique(X) items so far. In this scenario you have two characters with the same Unique item in their inventories. Don’t try this with items that you don’t want to lose.

  • Log in on your first character and put the item into your Warbank. Note the slot that it’s in.
  • Change to your second character.
  • You won’t see the item in the Warbank. The slot it’s in will be completely empty.
  • Drop any “dummy” item into that slot.
  • Change back to your first character.
  • The most recent item will be in that slot in the Warbank.
  • Switch back to your second character, and remove the “dummy” item from the Warbank.
  • Switch back to your first character. That slot will be empty.

Hopefully, this is a known issue, and they’re already working on a fix. In the meantime, be extremely careful about what you deposit into your Warbank.

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I put something in a slot occupied by a unique item when it was invisible to that character (because they already had the item) and the game moved the invisible item to the first empty slot in the Warband bank. Not sure what happens if the bank is completely full.

A whole stack of Memory of Kalimdors were deleted. This is beyond annoying


I guess I’m not the only one then.

It also seems like I cannot collect additional Memories even though I don’t have 20 anymore?

Edit: Using Cysgodi’s information I found a work-around for the Memories:

  1. On a character that has done the event take out everything they can see from the Warbank.

  2. On a character who has not done the event take out the rest. Put back the exact amount the first character needs to hit 20.

  3. Grab them on the first character and combined them.

I’ve lost all of the Memory of… which was about 30 of each or so. Except the ones I have on one toon. Sorry, but if something is going to get deleted because it is unique and cannot have more than 20 at all period, there needs to be a warning to let you know this will be deleted if you deposit these.

This has got to be one of the worst roll-outs I have ever seen by any gaming company. It is as though a bunch of new programmers are making this game and have no concept of what they are doing.

This to me is unacceptable. I am sorry, I am not sympathetic to a company that has been doing this for 20+ years and still has no clue how to program to avoid these kinds of issues.

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Memories deposited to the warbank by one faction are not visible to the other faction. Each faction will only see what was put in by the other faction. Remove the horde essences and send it to an alliance toon. Have that alliance toon pull the rest of the essences from the warbank. You will likely have them all. I was just doing this myself. I couldn’t get the essences out of the mail as I can only have 20. Also it counts what is in the bank so it is limiting the total to 20. So I have all the essences on my toon and I open the mail with the other essences so I can see the nubmers. I split my stacks to match exactly to twenty. Then mail the excess to another toon. I can open the mail so that my bags have exactly 20 each. So for example if I have 17 coming in the mail and 5 in my bag. I have to mail 2 to a different toon or delete them.

Same happened to me. I’ve seen work arounds posted that involve just mailing the items, but that makes the warbank useless then doesn’t it, not only that but when you mail certain items you get a message saying “you can’t carry anymore of those”. Why is this system even in the game right now if it doesn’t work? Why does everything they put out always have to be a half effort? and fixed later. Just once I’d like to see them get something right the first time, if they are even capable of it.

I noticed this tonight I went to put some memories into the warbank (hadn’t yet) in order to consolidate and make the ring. Well to my surprise when I open the warbank I notice I have all these empty holes on a lot of different pages in random spots.

I came to check the forums to see if anyone else had this issue and have seen multiple posts about it. Some said "remove everything and don’t put anything over them and they should reappear when you log into another character. So I’ve tried just that have removed everything from all 3 tabs of my warbank. Have logged into characters that I haven’t even logged into at all since the prepatch started gone through every non-remix character just to see if by some miracle they will appear on one of them.

Nothing. Not a single item has reappeared for me.

I thought they had the warbank offline to fix something that they never did clarify on what they were fixing from what I saw…

I don’t even know what I had in those slots is the bad thing. Had deposited a bunch of reagents, boes, recipes, enchants, etc from different toons so they were easier to be accessed by other toons.

11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Warband Bank and Event 480 Gear