Warbands: Warbanding Together Not Available After Abandon

As I was clearing quests, I must have deleted this one to access the warband bank. I’ve checked every character and its no longer available, not in my adventure guide, and theres no item to start a chain again. I’ve also checked in Gadgetzan to see if there was a way to start it there and no dice.


Boosting this, same issue. Deleted it because quest log was full, figured I could complete it on another character. Can’t get the quest back.

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Same here, I even raised a ticket about it with screenshots attached in which they told me to raise a bug report. So for sure a bug. My ticket for any admins is * Ticket Number: US100660074

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Same here, can’t seem to find it on any character’s, nor can I pick it back up in adventure guide.

I am having the same issue

Pretty much same here. Cleared the quest. Not able to get the guest back, all customer support did was link me a premade message:
“Customer Support does not provide game hints or restore items, currencies, or progress lost due to bugs.”
It doesn’t solve the issue where I’m locked out of one of the core features of the game.

I found the quest! I went on another character and it was on them, since completing the quest is account wide this should work. I’m not sure if this matters but it was an old character thats lvl 61. Good luck everyone.

Yep i completed the first quest on my second character and when I went back to my main character the next quests i accepted showed up “Warbands: Rift Reader, Warbands: Space Ghosts by the Coast”