Warbands are great... can we get universal hunter stables as well?

I am a huge fan of the warband systems, as it makes the game more alt friendly… So why not introduce something to make the game even more (hunter) alt friendly?

How does an account-wide universal pet stable that allows any hunter on the account to access a pet that’s not currently being used by another hunter sound?

Have Loq on a hunter you will never play again? No problem, swap the pet to your current hunter so you can use it!

It could also help with pet collecting. You could have hunter alts parked out where you want to camp pets you want! Your main hunter now no longer has to hop around and instead you can just quickly swap hunters from your character list to see if the pet you want is up.


I think this could be a fun idea…but they’d probably need to throw a limit on “special” pet types…i.e. unless you could tame that pet, you can’t summon it.

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BM would still be the only spec able to use spirit beasts.

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I was more thinking like dinosaurs if you’re not Zandalari or haven’t learned it, or mechanical if not a mechagnome or haven’t learned it, etc.

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could of sworn they were revamping the stables either way so why not account wide stables?

Or undead pets if not Undead or haven’t learned those

I think Warband Stables would be really cool. I’m curious to what kind of logistical work they would need to overcome to allow the pets to be shared between characters, especially since one stable slot is reserved as the second pet for BM Hunters.

They already did.

They did? I may need to check that out on my hunter sometime as I thought it was coming later

As someone with a bunch of hunters, all with a theme except for maybe one or two, I’m personally against this. If there is a way to turn it off, then it’s fine, otherwise I don’t want to open up my stables on my DiD hunter and see anything but fire and lava pets, same with my mechagnome and mech pets etc etc. Again, if I can turn if off and not see the other hunter’s pets then I am totally fine with this, if not, then I am totally against it.
Just my opinion. :slight_smile:


I would love idea that Hunter of hunter that we all share the same pts and sure It be hell sort it out but make it easy for me as pet collecter to help ease out what pet I want.

Or… what about this? What if you could transfer pets between hunters like currency?

You’d still have to hunt for pets, but the people who like to keep their pets unique per hunter character can still do so?


Ever since they added collection tabs for things, I have always wanted a hunter pet skin collection tab. It would make life a billion times easier just to collect the skin of each beasty (account wide). Then favorite the ones you like, for things like Dire Command procs. The stable UI is a nice start, but they could expand on it a TON more.

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u mean like pets? cage them and put it on warband bank