Warbands and Professions

Probably a silly question that has already been answered somewhere, but I’ll ask anyways.

How will the warbands bank function, when it comes to professions? Will I be able to dump a bunch of mats from a character on one realm into the bank, and have a different character on another realm be able to withdraw all those crafting mats? And will it be free like a guild bank, or will it cost gold like the void storage? Or will there be other heavy restrictions on warbands bank usage that makes this unrealistic?

The reason I ask, is that I have characters on half a dozen realms (most of whom are crafters), and am thinking of really paring them down a fair bit. Not sure whether I should just liquidate a bunch of mats on the AH, or wait for this warbands thing to happen and simply transfer the mats to the crafters I’ll be keeping.

From testing on the beta, you can dump mats from each character into warband bank. You can then hop to a different character and pull items out and use them, or put them into that characters reagent bank or regular bank tabs. When crafting I wasn’t able to use items directly from the warband bank, but I could from my bags, personal bank and reagent tab of my personal bank. So my take away is to dump everything into the warband bank and then hop on to the character doing the crafting and transfer items into that characters reagent bank tab or bags. None of this cost anything like the void storage did either. You only have to pay to buy additional bank tabs. Hope this helps.


Sounds perfect.


and the 3m gold for all the tabs :slight_smile:

If you need to fill 490 slots worth of mats before you start crafting, you sir got a problem. Or it is very goblin of you.


…whaaaaa??? Yeah, that cost for tabs will definitely be a problem. This lil goblin has some gold, but not that much.

Basically, I’m just looking to see what my options are. I have around 35+ toons on 4 realms (a lot of crafters with piles of mats), and I really think that I’d like to get it down to a dozen on 2 realms. Some old toons have crafting mats (and other goodies) from vanilla to legion (and beyond), so it’s a lot of stuff to move. I think that mess of a character log in screen was the final push to get rid of a lot of characters and slim things down.

Was also thinking if things aren’t feasible, to simply liquidate in the AH and transfer the gold in the warbands thing (or if that doesn’t work, fill out my battle pet stable with a few I’m missing).

Just trying to figure out the best way to go about things, or if it’s better to wait until the expansion hits and just ride it out for a bit before making a decision.

The way I understand it, the toons that you plan to discard, you will be able to empty there gold into the warband bank as well as any mats that is not soulbound to them (sparks ie). As long as you got space really, but some dusting and cleaning of the inventory never hurt anyone.

You are also able to transfer some game currency from them to your surviving toon. Just log into a keeper toon and inspect the currency tab, it allows you to select the soon to be discarded and get there currencies. Its not enabled for older currencies but still a nice feature.

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That currency transfer is a sweet little bonus. I never even though to look at that tab. (lol, typical goblin, always looking at the stuff I can sell instead of seeing the bigger picture.)

Its mostly the DF ones but I would inspect them all still just in case. Ya never know when a goblin might find a use for that ol forgotten currency!

EDIT: I take that back, there are a lot of currencies from old Exp that you can transfer! Went down the list and was into LK champion’s tokens! Just gathered those panda land coins across multiple toons and got that 100k coins mount that’s been smirking at me all those years!

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They could also make professions warband-wide, so if you have an old character with lots of hard to get recipes, then your other blacksmith/leatherworker/tailor etc. could “learn from their mentor” and you could learn all the recipes you didn’t know yet.

Or, you know, make older recipes easier to get? For us recipe hounds and completionists?

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Oh, that would be amazing!

I’ve been testing professions on beta. I have every profession and have been levelling each on the beta levelling servers. I have three tabs on my warbank (100k+ gold) and find these enough for current expansion profession materials.

When you are crafting items you do not need the materials in your bags or individual banks - it withdraws the materials from your warband bank. However, that is only when you are crafting for yourself. If you are filling UI orders when you provide some or all of the mats you need the mats in your bags. And if you are handing in a weekly profession quest for gatherers or skinners (the other professions no longer have weeklies) you need the mats required in your bags.

I have my toons on beta in three different realms one of which is considered cross realm. There have been no problems accessing the bank tabs cross realm or cross faction.


Please make old soulbound recipes warband-bound.

Just now my mage did Molten Core, and for the first time ever, I got the Schematic for Force Reactive Disk.

I have been trying to get this since vanilla.

And it’s soulbound. On my mage. Who is not an engineer.

Please make these drops warband bound. PLEASE.


That would be amazing. All recipes being Warband-bound. All the farming of vanilla and BC recipes would be so much easier.