Warband in use by another player....message?

i did the questline in gadgetzahn, have the warband summon on my bar

if i use the summon ability or go directly to a bank (tried several) i get the thread title message

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Blizzard has disabled the warbanks for the moment.


yeah its in use by blizzard.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but the only things that actually released tonight were the updated skyriding and warbands. Everything else is in limbo, yes? (Except the event, because that’s supposed to be next week)

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I got this too, wondered if while implemented, theyre just not ON yet.

Please see this post:

Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


For my own part, I’m frustrated about the quest that was supposed to drop. Blue post previously said you’d get it if you completed Harbinger. I completed that, but didn’t get the new one. Then, half the forum-posters are saying the quest comes with the event next week, even though that isn’t how the announcement was worded. And then, someone said they got the quest even though they didn’t complete Harbinger, and now they can’t access the Harbinger quest. So, I’m confused and annoyed and very sleepy.

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New talent trees too if you had changes to yours. They auto changed mine, so it took me a few minutes to figure out what exactly they had changed on it. The shadow crash and the mind games were the two big ones I noticed.


Yep. But apparently, an outdated version of the new talent trees.

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I know Ret’s talents are from a couple week old build. Not sure on other classes.

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I dunno, either. I didn’t really read the whole article or anything. There’s enough other problems in here that I’ve sprained my eyes rolling them.

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