Warband IC Interconnectivity

Some of us already imagine our many alts as family, friends, distant associates, begrudging rivals, old flings, partners in crime, buddy cops, pen pals, etc etc etc. - but with the coming warband feature, our characters will be roasting chestnuts on our select screens together like a happy family.

Of course, most people detach roleplay from game mechanics , but I suspect seeing their dudes posse up on the big screen will lead many to finally establish some through-line.

What about you? Do you imagine your alts to have any relationship with one another? Will the warband feature be canonical for your squad?

I can imagine a sleuth of Pandaren would have at least passing recognition of one another, but I’m especially curious for those of you with characters of wildly different origins.


I usually think of my alts as people Lance met in the Twilight Highlands - the sort of ambiguous part of his history where he was officially in the Horde, did some thangs, and emerged afterwards as the character I’ve been roleplaying. Some alts I’ve rolled more recently could be people he met during the time skip, though naturally there are less of them so far. I sometimes think about how the alts might know each other but its more of just a fun thought exercise and not anything concrete.

Like, my paladin and my mage could have met during Pandaria. They could have been on different sides of the revolution - they could even hate each other. Thinking of some four corner opposition scenarios for some alts and your main character can be a good creative exercise. I don’t think I’ll treat warbands as an in character thing, but it might help refine some ideas I’ve had on what their relationships are like, who the main figures are, and what it is that binds them all together.

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Nearly all my characters have been created with some connection to each other or another to the point in my heavy RP days I wrote out detailed family trees/timelines to how so-and-so are familiar with one another. Bloodline lore and all that. I mean heck, I made a Pandaren guild for 10 years largely based around one large clan line that I created a sleuth of alts to reinforce.

Having all the characters on a screen and the mechanics that follow will really help streamline it all and I’m looking forward to it.


These two are dating. These two are fighting. This last one is just visiting.


It’s a bit complicated… Used to be, only two of my characters had any sort of “Hey, I know you!” (They were siblings separated by the Pandaren faction split). Now, four of my characters are secret data-gathering informants for Ivory (Castafiore here), while all the old characters are more or less… not even used. u.u

Some of my characters have a connection. Others don’t.

Kirsy and Destrie know each other and have since LK.

I currently have Kirsy and Larisi in the same guild but neither of them know each other at all (my Alliance and Horde characters are ICly operating separately for now). Larisi knew all my Dwarven characters. Kirsy knows my Forsaken characters.

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Well, Kinarra is the mother of one of my characters… so they’ve at least met. One character is an elder from Kina’s birth tribe, so again, they’ve met. Some of the other’s are Aquaintances of Kina’s from her travels. And some have never met.

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I’ve got some interconnections but like Kirsy not everyone is interconnected.

Like despite being my main, Sarestha is one of my least interconnected characters. Her father is on my list but he’s an antagonist figure and they don’t have any sort of relationship currently - he’s a Scarlet Raven Priest that gradually went insane and now serves the void lol.

Then I’ve got the Matthews Family. I had a character named Ellie Matthews years ago who was a mage who didn’t want to be a mage, ran away and became a rogue. (I use subtlety and her abilities in my head were arcane. Stealth = invisibility, shadowstep = blink, etc). Kirin Tor dropout basically. Anyway she was a half-elf from a prestigious Dalaran family. Dad was human, Mum was Silver Covenant.

Anyway for Dragonflight I did a small retcon and gave her a little brother, Kallum “Kael” Matthews, who became a little activist as a kid after the purge of Dalaran in MoP. Thought it was unjust to treat the Sunreavers that way. So as his act of teenage rebellion he annoyed his silver covenant mum by decorating his room with Sunreaver and Sin’dorei banners and proclaiming that he sees himself as Sin’dorei. The gag in Dragonflight, now that he’s in his early 20s, is that he looks absurdly human and has an absurdly human name, but REALLY wants to be seen as Sin’dorei. Which I think endears him to aspects of the Dragonscale Expedition but frustrates more ‘traditional’ members of the Reliquary. Anyway I have Ellie and Kael both on my roster, as well as their father, so that’s a big family.

Fal’therin, my void elf ranger, knew Sarestha’s parents in the Second War so that’s something. He was also the commanding officer of my Dark Ranger, Aurya, in the Third War.

I have a little Draenei family too. I made Vuurak, my Draenei Paladin, in MoP. His Grandfather, Karaaldos, is a Krokul and I RPed him in Legion. Just recently I made Vuurak’s older brother, Arrixius, who was a MU Sargerai, follower of exarch Othaar, who seems to have held a similar role in the main timeline. So there’s another 3 that are linked.

Basically, I have little clusters of interconnected characters, but they’re not directly related to each other. It’s good fun though, I enjoy mapping it out.

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Some deep connections, some less so, some not at all. I really hope we can set up multiple campfire scenes, though. I’d much rather scroll through groups of 4 or 5 or whatever it is than have one group and the rest in a giant list.

Sholaad has connections to many; and the rest have some connections with the other.

Gurthoon- a nasty and terrible orc who has tormented Sholaad and the draenei people for decades. He led a scheme to assassinate Sho some years ago before being felled himself.

Arkhaan- One of charges under Sho’s command; a draenei warrior who doesn’t share Sho’s compassion and forgiveness, especially for orcs.

Zoltuun- A sage in Sho’s life; Zoltuun’s connection to the Light helps Sholaad keep on the right path. They shared a teacher in the path of the Light. However, Zoltuun carries a darker side that Sho has never seen.

Chinpoh- met Sho briefly in Pandaria during the latter’s brief retirement from fighting. A wanderer and a martial artist, Chinpoh shared a meal at Sholaad’s farm before they parted ways.

Grokath- Has never met Sho, but serves unknowingly Gurthoon under the clan of the Burning Blade. A warrior who strives for honor, but has crossed the line more than once to finish a battle.

Xenthen/Xenthyr: Disconnected from Sho completely- a shaldorei who was a twin to Xenthyr. They were separated during the Sundering; both have a fondness for a bow and arrow.

Ikuran- knows Xenthyr somewhat through adventuring.

Thaolen- A cousin of Ikuran who followed Illidan through the path of demon hunting. Ikuran tries his best to forget his cousin existed.

Austuun- A lightforged draenei who knew Sholaad’s teacher eons ago on Argus. Has never met Sho.

Anthonio- A Gilnean who has no connection to Sho. Very independent.

Meiloh- A queldorei who is a relative to Ikuran and Thaolen through his ancestors; He has no idea about this connection, however.

Some of my alts share varying degrees of relation to each other. I once thoughtof using Warbands to reflect one of those related groups; the Lightriver Synod, the Winterclaw remnants, or the White Tiger troupe. I don’t think I have enough characters of any to fill the roster, though; accept some unmentioned ones I presently have too tentative of an interest in to consider. Still, it would serve as a mildly amusing novelty.

I am going to admit that more and more I have my alts joining my guild, and in all honesty a lot of times when making a new character I think how they can connect to all of my characters and their story.

To me all of my characters combined help tell a much bigger story together, and being able to use one or the other to move RP plots in certain directions is better for me on a personal level.

I am super excited to see the ones who are most closely connected all hanging around the campfire together.