Warband Currency Transfers Broken

Disabled addons, restarted the game. Transfer Buttons are gone. Why?


im guessing they disabled it but havent sent out a notice yet. was there earlier today but is gone for me now too


Blizz disabled it. It’s on the launcher.



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I would rather them disabling this than having this atrocious lag everywhere in the game.

Aww, I was about to transfer my fishing derby tokens to get the pitchfork staff mog. :frowning:

Ah well, next week then.

(But I do think that staff will go great with the Harvest Golem mog we got from HH. Might use it on my Tauren surv Hunter. lol)

Just when you think this game couldn’t get much more broken here’s another one to add to the list…


Just another broken aspect of the game right now.

Server hamsters about ready to quit I’m sure.

If you had look at the forums a bit closer I posted about it being disabled before you posted…here is link to the issue…Warband Currency Transfer Currently Disabled

So you think they didn’t already? :laughing:

Probably another duplication bug was discovered. They really need to put currency on the blockchain.

If they are smart, they’ll be drinking cocktails while they read the forums.

There is an issue im vaguely aware of but it involves the warband bank not the currency

They quit long ago…

Been on epic bgs lately? hangar on isle of conquest engage is awful the lag. Just like sunken ring on wintergrasp… absolute awful experience. Let alone the entire lag that the game has been suffering since this new patch in general…

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It’s lagging guilds when moving currency so probably fixing that.

There’s a few weird bugs going on. I can’t even fish, players are disappearing.

This is disappointing Blizz.

Likely the bots have picked up on the weekly quest bug.

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I hope they fix that bug. I don’t know what triggers it, but it actually leads to less Mark yields overall, since your alts don’t get extra for catching new fish. :confused:

I also hope people don’t get in trouble for accidentally triggering it. I have no idea what causes it, but some alts are affected each week and some aren’t. If I knew how to not trigger it, I would.

“We disabled the currency transfer system because people were completing and buying things too quickly, so are are now slowing you down.”

This is why. They are using the lie that there is an issue to stop people from farming the tier 2 cosmetics with extra characters. Literally stopping the whole point of the warbands system. Blizzard is a joke.