Warband completed quest map filter not working

I have the option for ‘warband completed quests’ unchecked in the map filter and it is still showing me quests on the map that I have already completed. Wasting time flying around on alts just to find these quests I’ve already done.

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I also have this issue. I noticed recently trying to track low lvl quests, when using map filter on world map, if i check low lvl quests to “show” and uncheck warband completed to “not show”, it sets it as opposite in the quest options under interface in the options menu. example: world map/map filter icon- checked “show” low lvl quests and unchecked “show” completed warband quests = option menu/ interface/ quests- “hide low lvl quests…” is checked and “hide warband completed quests…” is unchecked. When i change it in either option is shows up as opposite in the other option every time. either way not every quest is showing in new or old zones, its hit or miss.