Warband Bank tab settings not saving

Every time I log on a character, the settings I placed for Tab 1 and 2 keep reverting of the changes I did.

This happens 100% of the time.

Edit: Every time I remove the “Assign to tab:” checkbox and have all of them unchecked, it then reverts to one of them checked. This also applies to “Expansion” drop down, changing from All to Current.
The only work around is to check everything minus what I want. This does not look like this is how it should work. If I want a tab that has no assignment, then let me do it without the need to check the checkboxes.


having the same problem, now that i know its a problem wont wast my time changing the tabs till its fixed.

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I am having the same issue. It appears that Warbank classifications are “struck” on our first classification, even if those classifications for the tab are changed. Upon reload, the classifications for each tab revert to their first selection.

I also have this issue; Immensely annoying. Will keep searching for updates / info.

I was having the issue where I had 4 checkmarks and if I took it to 0 and logged out they would come back. However, I was able to remove each checkmark one by one and log off and get rid of them all except 1 checkmark. I can pick which checkmark remains but it requires me to have one checkmark.

So my issue is the same as the OP’s edited comment. Tabs 1 and 2 in the warbank.


Really annoying bug.

I ended up giving in & using tab 3 as my TWW profession tab because I couldn’t change the first one off legacy-only and the second off profession goods.

As a random additional feedback, profession tools is a strangely niche category to have when there are only 5 categories. I’d have thought there’d be more demand for (e.g.) more precise reagent or armour-vs-weapons definitions over profession tools.

I’m having this same issue, and your comment was a good workaround for me. I’m using my first tab for random stuff, but it was stuck on “ignore this tab”. Changing it to “junk” effectively fixed the problem for now. at least in my case. The bug is still present, but moving my “one checkmark” from “ignore” to “junk” makes the tab work more or less how I want. Thanks!

I’ll have to try switching it to Junk as well because this bug is annoying.

Thanks for that, you helped immensely with this workaround.

I swapped tab 2 to “Cleanup: ignore this tab” checked & finally I can use it relatively normally.

Still having this issue. Any word from Blizzard on when this will be fixed?

This is still happening as of 09/18 - it’s quite annoying when you have a character for each profession. Appreciate any attention to this problem, thank you :slight_smile: