Hi Devs (and hopefully other people who feel the same way),
I’m unsure if this is a bug or an intentional design choice, but I’ve encountered an issue with the Warband Bank that’s hindering my crafting workflow.
Currently, it seems that reagents stored within the Warband Bank cannot be used to fulfill Work Orders or Patron Orders. This feels counterintuitive, especially since we can freely use those same reagents for general crafting. The Warband Bank has been a fantastic addition for freeing up bag space and sharing materials across alts, but this restriction creates an unnecessary inconvenience.
Every time I’m ready to complete a Work Order or Patron Order, I’m forced to go back and physically retrieve the reagents from the Warband Bank onto my character. This extra step disrupts the crafting flow and feels particularly odd considering that is not required anywhere else for TWW crafting system.
I’d like to request that this be addressed, either as a bug fix or a quality-of-life improvement. Allowing us to utilize reagents directly from the Warband Bank for Work Orders and Patron Orders would significantly streamline the crafting experience.
Came here to post about this. Not sure if it’s a technical issue, a bug or just an oversight but this needs to be addressed. The Warband/Warbank has been a fantastic addition and this gives the role out a black eye. It’s just plain clunky and needs to be fixed.
Adding my +1. I was searching to see if there was an addon to do this for me to at least make it easier to take things out of the bank, but I’m glad to see it’s actually a bug that should be fixed.