Warband bank elvui

Does anyone have the warband bank working with Elvui or is this a known issue?

For me it just shows as a single tab (like reagents). No ability to buy additional tabs.

On alts it just shows blacked out and says “buy”, but then error that I cannoy buy additional tabs.

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I have Elvui, but I use baganator for my bags, Elvui has all in one bags, but I’ve found it at times annoying and buggy.

I use Elvui, BenikUI version, and I have no issues with the Warband bank.

I use ElvUI, works fine for me, make sure you are updated and on 13.72.

It will show as a single tab.

Mine works.

How do purchase the additional tabs with elvui?

Is there a way to disable elvui just for the warbank? Not really feeling this “single tab” view, if that’s how it works. It doesn’t behave that way for a guild bank, which is how I want it to look.

Top right corner of it will be a Coins icon “Purchase bags”.

You can use the Split option in Elv Config > Bags > General > Bank, to separate the “bags”.

Or you can Elv config > Skins > disable the Bags skin (I assume it’s part of that, as I don’t see one for Bank stand alone).

Edit: Might just be better to ElvUI config > Bags > Disable, to turn off the “All in one” bags rather than the skin.

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This is sort of what I want. Unfortunately doing so impacts both your bags on current toon an the normal bank as well.

Truly what I want is this but just for the warbank. It makes the warbank open up just like a guild bank.

Oh well. Guess this is good enough for now. Thanks!