War Within Shadow Priest

Played through the main campaign plot, and I’m actually a little let down that Shadow Priests didn’t get more dialogue nods + such for it being such a Shadow, Darkness, Void themed run. Others talking about how the Void drives people mad and I’m just chilling in Shadowform next to them. Also expected more from Xal’atath after we spent a whole expac together.

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inb4 someone comments that “Midnight is the Shadow/Void expansion, not War Within” comment.

While I agree with them, that’s no excuse for the complete lack of communication and buffs for Shadow Priests.

There are a few nods directly from Xal that other classes don’t get, that change whether or not you have the Blade transmogged or not, but still…

There was a line in the Faerin/Anduin game board scene where she mentions the Empire not being as accepting of others, and adds “especially since you have embraced the darkness.”